Chapter 8

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Ella knew Sootpaw was a complete furball, and it had only gotten worse when she'd woken up to bright sunlight and Sootpaw standing near her, yowling in fear. She jumped to her paws and tackled him, snarling. "Be quiet, you furball!" She growled, pinning him down and smacking her tail over his muzzle. He only struggled, flailing his paws wildly, his eyes filled with fear. Ella looked up, her tail curling in fear when she saw the snarling dog leaping at them.
   She jumped to one side, spinning around to see the dog smashing into the fence and Sootpaw racing over to her, wide eyed with panic. "What do we do?" He asked her, before realizing he was asking a supposedly terrified kittypet. Ella responded by barreling towards the dog, raking her claws down its side. The dog let out a whimper and ran back towards the Twoleg nest.
   She turned to Sootpaw, who stared at her in shock. She knew she couldn't stay any longer, though that mousebrain would probably follow her. She lashed her tail when she heard him calling her name. She turned on him, glaring. "What?" She snapped. She felt as though she'd gotten no sleep at all, her paws still aches, and she might of wrenched her shoulder when leaping away from that dog. She was not in a good mood.
   "I didn't know you knew how to fight!" Sootpaw exclaimed.
   "It's not like you were going to do anything." Ella growled.
   "It was amazing! For a kittypet, of course." He quickly added. Ella only curled her lip in disgust and bounded away, aware of Sootpaw's gaze burning into her fur. She wasn't sure where she was going, only that she wanted to get away from Sootpaw and find her littermates. And she didn't need that noisy clan cat to help her.
Ella's paws pounded against the No-Fur path as she ran, and her muscles burned with effort. After only a few moments she was panting and was forced to slow her pace.
I never realized how little we had to do in the No-Fur nest, Ella thought. She hoped it was just the lingering exhaustion from the night before. Because if she was going to rescue her littermates, it would require a lot of running.
   Ella was so lost in her thoughts that she jumped when a brown tabby jumped down from the fence, landing in front of her. She unsheathed her claws, ready to fight if she had too, but it was just a harmless, plump kittypet. That's what Cloudtail had called them.
   "Hello!" The she-cat meowed cheerfully. Ella sheathed her claws, but remained wary.
    "Are you May's kit?" The stranger asked. Ella nodded, and the kittypet's tone immediately turned serious. "I thought so. Your not the one who she told me to deliver the message too, but I know your littermates were already taken."
   Ella's eyes widened in fear. Who was this cat? Was she a spy for Cora?
   The kittypet saw her look and shook her head. "I'm not on their side. I'm a friend of May. My name is... Actually, that isn't important." The she-cat glanced around, then continued quietly. "Your mother knew something bad like this would happen once she was... gone."
Ella thought she would be mad to hear another cat meowing aloud that May was dead, but she knew it was the truth. Her tail drooped in sadness, and her heart twisted as she wished her littermates were here once again.
    "I've already spread the news to the cats who follow Snake and Ice that Scrouge's kits are alive, though I may have made up a few details. They're waiting in the alley if you follow the fence to where there are a lot of those No-Fur monsters. Good luck." With that, the kittypet kept back over the fence.
   Ella hissed in frustration. The she-cat was going to send her off to fight a dangerous enemy with the help of a group of cats she didn't even know, and all the she-cat could give her was good luck? That had never helped her before. It certainly hadn't saved her mother, or given her safety with the No-Furs.
   With a lash of her tail, Ella set off along the fence.

A/N- I know this is a really short, bad chapter, but I've had a lot of homework and have been working on a new story as well. Hopefully I can get the next update out soon, and maybe set up an update schedule.

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