Chapter-7 "Uncomfortableness"

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"If they then repent, it will be better for them, but if they turn away, Allah will punish them with a painful torment in this worldly life and in the Hereafter. And there is none for them on earth as a Wali (supporter, protector) or a helper."

(At-Tawbah 9:74)


19 December 2015


Aaisha's POV

Next day they both woke me up for fajr so as always I did not do wudhu ,then I went to the the prayer hall and pretended to pray , after praying all the girls started greeting each other and after some time Tanzhee came with Quraan majeed in her hand and asked me if i want to read , almost every one was reciting quraan , if so I wanted but i cant hold quraan without proper wudhu , so I made an excuse and came back to room and i was feeling guilty , Dad always told me to at least recite 3 ruku' of Quraan but I never did ,
I have completed my quraan when I was in 3rd standard everything was OK till class 5 but everything changed when I came in 6th class before that I was the most religious person and the best student to my Quraan teacher , and I was the 1 st in my batch to complete my Quraan hifz .

"How some incidents can change the whole person who was I and what am I now , I just can't believe , how can someone change so much that they did not even have time to spend for their creator. How can i lose faith on my creator he love me and I love my Allah but I just can't even understand myself , Ya Allah help me Ar Rahman send someone to help me , please make me from believers don't make me a transgress or Ar Rahim please please , make me follow the correct path , Your armies have no boundaries you can use them in a way you want help me .. Help me .. And forgive me Al Ghafur forgive my sins All Ghaffar . "

I was in my own world when door opened ,I saw Tanzhee and Sana standing on the door quite dazed , then I realised that they were shocked to see me , tears were rolling down my eyes unknowingly , they came towards me and sat beside me on both side ,

" Are you ok ?? " Tanzhee asked me with genuine concern in her eyes .

"Are you missing your parents and family ??" Sana added

I did not knew what to answer them ,I can not tell them why was I crying so I just nodded which was an absolute lie, they both cracked jokes and tried to cheer me up I pretended to be ok, as I have mastered in pretending in past years .

We heard a knock on the door and they both shouted in unison "Mahira " and opened the door and led a girl who was dressed in blue abaya with cobalt blue hijab and she was looking so pretty and came in and greeted us with salam and we replied , as soon as she saw me she made a wiered face , as if she saw me before. She was about to speak something when Tanzhee spoke " So Aaisha this is Mahira and Mahira this is Aaisha ."

"Assalamualaikum " I said

"Wa alaikumassalaam " she spoke and still she was trying to gather her thoughts , I think

Sana and Tanzhee left to get something to eat leaving us both in the room , but still she was thinking something.Then she suddenly spoke ,"Aren't you the girl who took off your hijab in frustration ??"

I was shocked as well as embaressed , I replied in affirmative and she just twisted her lips a then asked " so which branch ??"

" MBBS " I replied and asked her " and you??"

" umm same "She spoke just then Sana and Tanzhee entered the room with breakfast for all of us.

We all had our breakfast in the room and got ready for the classes.


Assalamualaikum ..


Jazakallahu khairan for reading.

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