Chapter-37 " Why???"

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Assalamualaikum everyone..
How are you all??
I am really really really and deeply sorry for not updating for so long .. but I was completely engrossed in my new college, aah I got admission because of all your dua..Please pray for everyone who want achieve there goals, and pray for me too.. RequEsting you for duas..
Jazakallahu khairan kaseer for
you support , it means a lot..
And please forgive me if I hurt you directly or indirectly by any means..

"Those who control their anger and are forgiving towards people; Allah loves the good."
 (Qur'an, 3: 134)

31 October 2016



Aaisha's POV:

I was so happy to here the news from Dr. Jibran, but I was also confused, because Zain said Sorry , he asked me to forgive him. What was he thinking? Why was he looking so different? Why there was lot of guilt in his eyes? I was just so confused ,but now I had much to worry about , my best friend and my best cousin. I went to Zuber's room and said my salam and he replied, he smiled to me and I sat on a stool beside him.

" How are you feeling now??" I enquired.

" Allhumdullillah  i am very thankful .. " he replied with a broad smile on his face. And I was puzzeled , one guy just minutes back apologized me , and here my cousin is thanking me for no reason.

" I am thankful to the incident , so I can at least behave like normal, although I don't really remember what happened in my past years of life , but still I can try and learn. But my head aches a lot." He said with a chuckle.

"That's because you are taking too much stress.. You should take rest . " I said in a bossy tone just like a doctor.

And we both laughed out loud,,then he spoke between the middle of the laugh , " Who donated me blood?? And whom did our car crash with, are they ok?? I want to meet them.. "

I was surprised , and was about to protest but he spoke in between, " please don't say no.. Please.. " and I just replied with a nod..

"Alhumdulillah they are fine, it was one of my great friend, .. She got injured but she is fine now.. " i said.

"MashaAllah, and anyone else in the car got hurt , who was with her? " he enquired with concern.

" She was with her husband ,but Alhumdulillah he is fine , he had minimal injuries." I replied.

"And who donated me blood , I want to thank that person, of he is here can you please call him for me.." He requested in so puppy tone that I wanted to deny but couldn't find myself denying .

I knew Zain would be there in Mahira's room, and also Zuber told me to convey his salam to Mahira and Sheath, so I straight way went to Mahira's room, and knocked before going in to let them know.

"Assalamualaikum.. " I smiled at Mahira and scanned whole room but Zain was not there , only Mahira and Sheath.

"Wa alaikumassalaam.. " they replied in unison and blushed, I was so awwed by that moment and they both look so cute and happy MashaAllah.

"Oh! Oh!! Did I disturb ?? " I asked playfully winking at Mahira, and she hit me on arms , replying me while Sheath was still blushing, " Yes you disturbed Aaisha. Well anyways tell why did you disturbed us. " she asked faking anger.

"Oh! Well I am really sorry for the disturbance , andi came here to convey , my cousins salam to you both and also to check if Zain is here." I answered.

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