What a Day

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~Christy P.O.V~

I know yall like how are you gonnna get to those places my bestfriend Teiara i call her tay. Shes 16. When we got to the mall there was hella people here. Well we went shopping and through all the bags in her trunk. we got our beach stuff and changed. then offto the beach we went. At the beach it was about what 3:40. we just walked around and talking. Out of no where hella girls run past us screaming, Us being nosie we followed them and it was MB and Jacob Latimore. I was so confused on why they here on my beach. Well me and T left the crod and walked past the crod on our was to the icey cart.. We got a call form Tosha and Kiesha. They gonna meet us here and we going back to my place to chill. So I invited Jazmine over to surprise the girls. See Jazmine was our friend but then she moved but now she back. So why not suprise them. We went back to the car and the crowd was gone and so twas the boys oh well. Me and T went back home i saw my brother but not DayDay?

Christy: Wheres your friend?

Chirs: he went to get his brother and some friends. Why?

Christy: cuz i want to know and dont get smacked. and how many nigglets gonna be he cuz im inviting some friends over

Chris: 7 guys including dayday. whos coming over here for you?

Christy: T and 3 others so 4 nigga dont be loud please

Chris: okay

Christy: i call basment so stay upstairs or down here dont go down there unless someone is on fire got it.

Chris: okay

With that my and t went up stairs me and her are the same size so we where matching pjs. As soon as we finished changing Tosha was here i answerd the door and she went downstairs with t. I stayed up with my bro and we order food the bell rang again.

DayDay: hey christy

C: hey wheres your friends?

D: they coming

Chris: why you care

Christy: because mom said that if any boy come in the house she or dad dont know that i have to meet them. So dont answer the door or ill cut you. got it *i said sturnly*

Chris: yeah nigga

DayDay: yeah

Christy: ight by

I went to the bament and was chilling with my niqqas then the door bell rang i thought it was the pizza guy but no its some guy looking down.

Christy: um how may i help you.

unknow: is chris and dayday here

Christy: why. look at me and i can answer that question

unknow:*looks up its ray* there happy now is my brother here?

Christy: first off you can be famouse and i dont give a fuck and whos your brother?

Ray:dayday is my little brother

CHristy: *yells for dayday* dayday get your ass here your brother here

with that i walked away. Who da fuq he think he is ceching and attitude with me. wth. I went down stairs with the girls. We started watching then we got hungery. Good hing the food was here i grabbed to money and went to the door i payed for the food toke my food downstairs and left the boys food on the table they was upstairs so the didnt see me. Right when i sat down Kiesha came she went down stairs and we chilled and started to watch a movie. The door bell rang so i got up to answer it at the door was Roc,Prince,Prod, i told them the boys should be upstairs they said coo and left right when i was about to close the door i heard someone call my name i got confused and loked out into the dark it was Jazmine i ran to her and we hugged. I walked in side but told her to i told the girls i had a surprise for them. I went tand got Jazmine and i brought her down there with the girls. We all screamed. We as just laughing and talking. Then her comes Chris. We hide Jazmine.

Chirs: what the hell is your problem why did yall scream.

Christy: who the hell do you think you talking to like that?

Chris: sorry sis i was just scared something happened to you.

Christy: yeah.....uh close you eyes i have a surprise*went and got jazmine*open

Chris: Jazzy. *hugs her* havent seen you in like 3 years

Jazmine: yeah

Chris: well i have to go back with by boys nice seeig you again

After the movie ended the girls and i went to my room to do hoemwork. i got up off the floor and told chris to get started on his workk he sai d alright. but i know he didnt when i was looking around his room i saw my charm braclet my aunt gave me

Christy: what the hell is this donig in here

Chirs: um..........uh.....um

Christy: *charges at chris and pins him* answer my question

Chris: I was gonna sell it for $500 and get you a better one

Chrsty: bitch you cant by a better one aunty bought this

Chris: i didnt know shit * pushes christy off him*

Christy: Niqqa dont go in my room again. *kicks is shin and leaves*

IDGAF if he was friends overhe dont touch my shit. I went into my room and we finished our homework then we did each others nails and hair. I was about to say ood night to my brother but someone pulled me into the guess bedroom and put there hand over my mouth. i was about to scream 2. he turned in the light and it was Ray. he smiled and said hes sorry for given me attitude at the door he could tell i had a bad day. i said it was okay .Then he said i was beautiful and i had a nice smile. i said thank you and said he had nice hair and a nice smile. He leaned in and i did to. Our lips touched andhes lips are so soft i didnt didnt want to break the kiss, he gave me butterflies. We broke the kiss i smiled then left. I said night to my brother and all his friends i said by to ray and he winked at me and i smile then left. Me adn the girls ended to night at like 2am. we went to bed i was thinking wow what a night.

A/N: girls pjs in coments havent figured out what Jazmine would look like

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