The Nerdanions

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(Jack's POV)

I "accidentally" did some research on this girl. After what I saw, I can NEVER look at her the same. Turns out she part of a band called The Nerdanions. ( A/N SORRY IF THAT SOUNDS SELFISH) Its her, a girl named Elizabeth Morethsia, a guy named Nick Glamerhed, a guy named Will Beignyti, and a girl named Isabella Sharridan. They are known for having amazing duplicated singing. They add their own spins and had 6 concerts so far. They are the 7th most famous band in the world and mostly everybody's favourite band member is (y/n). I wondering if I am just clueless about life.

(Your POV)

 I start to finish setting up my stream when I get a call from my boyfriend, Will Beignyti. I answer the call.......

Will: Hey babe!

You: Whatdidgyaneed?

Will: Um whats your YouTube channel again? Got a tweet that your gonna stream..

You: Jaysus! This is like the third time!! Its (yt/n)!! But I gotta go, gonna stream in a minute!

 Will: Sorry if I made you mad. I'm such a fucking doof!

You: Its okay but its just  gettin' annoyin'! Because now I'm just starting to think ya don't care!

Will: Hell no! Whats wrong with you? You know what? End the call and do the stream and I'm payin' attention. (Breathes) Sorry, I kinda get pissed of when you say that. I'm just really forgetful and I'm a idiot........

You: I know

Will: And....

You: I know!

Will: Okay, so cya (y/n)

You: Cya, kiss kiss!

(Your POV)

I can't believe him! Anyway, I start the stream. "Yo! Everybody, Queen of weird has arrived and my name is (yt/n) AKA (y/n)! And guess what you guys did? YES! We hit 7k Subs! HOLY JAYSUS! What did you guys do when I was asleep? Did you guys secretly make robots in that time. OH MY GOD! Anyway, thank you guys so much! I can't not thank you guys enough! Anyway, you guys shall leave questions down-eth comment section! Let us begin!"

Sorry for the short chapter................

How We Became Girlfriend and Boyfriend  (Jacksepticeye X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now