YouTuber Party

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                (TIME SKIP TO A WEEK)
(Jack's POV)
I edit my last video of the day, when I hear a scream," AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" I run to the living room where I see (y/n) looking at a spider. "Seriously? A fucking spider?" I go and a get a tissue and squish the spider in the tissue. "Are you kidding me? You got me panicking for you for a DUMB spider?" I look down where I see (y/n)'s hand pinching herself. "S...s....sorry. My aunt got bitten a Brazilian Wandering Spider, which I never saw because I was in my room. But ever since that I kinda think EVERY spider is a Brazilian Wandering Spider, sorry," after she said that a needle of guilt went through me. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean that. Is your aunt okay though?" I ask her,"" then she starts to tear up a little. I quickly run to her side and hold her," Sorry! You didn't have to tell me. I'm so stupid!!" Next thing I know, she puts her arms around me and hugs me tightly. I hug her back. (Y/n) is soft and her hair smells amazing. She is warm and cozy. Shut up Jack! You can't describe her like that!! "It's okay," she lets me go and starts to head toward her room. "Um, thanks.....for comforting me," She tells me before she closes the door. I smile and nod. She smiles so cutely and then shuts the door gently. I go to my room to edit the rest of the video when I get a call from Mark (Markiplier).

(Your POV)
I shut the door and instantly get a call from (Best Friend's Name). I answer and he/she tells me to Skype her. I say fine and open up my computer. Two seconds later, I get from her/him. "Okay girly! You been with this roommate for about a week and- whoa, wait a minute. Were you crying? Did Will do anything? Did your roommate do anything? Who do I have to kill? Tell me now!" I tell her/him the whole story of how I saw a spider and my roommate comforted me. "Wow this dude is awesome! Speaking of him, WHAT IS HIS NAME? AND WHY WON'T YOU TELL ME, WOMAN????" I snicker and then slowly start to laugh uncontrollably. (Best Friend's Name) start to laugh to about how I roll of a chair a try to get up but I can't because I'm laughing so much. I eventually stop and say that I have to go. He/She forgets all about the questions and says goodbye. "Cya tomorrow, (y/n)!!" And I end the call following with closing my computer, hop on my bed and lie there for about 15 minutes. Thinking about my band, thinking about my bestie, thinking about YouTube, thinking about Will, then I start to think about Jack for some reason. I hear a knock on the door," Speak of the devil." I yell open and Jack comes in to my big red face from all the laughter from before. "Hey" he says. ", What did I do?" I ask, nervously. He laughs ", Nothing, I was wondering about if you wanted to come to Michigan, for the big YouTuber party there?" I open my eyes, "Me? Why? I wasn't invited!" He laughs even more and says "No silly! Mark invited me and he said I could take a guest. That where you come in." He smiles," Holla, holla! You want ME to come with YOU?" I ask ", Yes please!" He replies. "Sure, since I have a week off of school." He smiles, really big. "AWESOME! All of the other YouTubers with be there! Like Pewdiepie, CutiepieMarzia, Markiplier, my bud, Cry-" "-Okay I get it! Thanks for inviting me!" I give him a quick hug before I get a call. "I have to go and edit, the party is in two days!" He runs out the door, when I pick up my phone. It's Will

Will: Hey (y/n)!
You: Hey babe!
Will: Can I ask you something?
You: It's (yt/n).....
Will: Thanks, can I ask you something else?
You: Else?
Will: Can we make our semi-concert at Michigan?
You: YES! I actually am gonna go there because of a YouTube party!
Will: Cool! The concert is in four days, you okay with that?
You: Yuppy Do!
Will: You haven't said that since our last concert, which was six months ago!
You: I know, hun. Okay, I gots to go! Gonna edit a video!
Will: Okay, cya babe!
You: Bye!

This was awesome! I could go to a YouTuber party AND go to a concert! AMAZINGNESS!! I don't know why but I run into Jack's room and hug him super tightly and tell him the story of the call. I forgot to mention that Will was my boyfriend to him. But he'll figure it out. I think

How We Became Girlfriend and Boyfriend  (Jacksepticeye X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora