Trying to Adapt

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It took me a while to get back in the groove of filming again. I definitely needed time to get used to the crazy actors I worked with every day, because after I came back I was way to quiet for them. They had surrounded me in a fit of sympathetic hugs and I awkwardly accepted them, knowing that it would be no use to wiggle out of their clutches. Everyone on set was too cheerful and peppy to notice my somber mood. Elijah was the only one who would. I mean, he always was the only one who never stopped looking out for me, but now he watched me even more, like a mother hawk glaring at her baby.

Seeing Elijah everywhere and hanging out with him all the time become a little uncomfortable for me to handle. I could see that spark whenever he saw my face, and that urge to kiss me was always flashing in his eyes. I know I had told him that we should just forget about it and act like it never happened, but I found it to be very hard. Our ordeal that whole week was always fresh in my mind, and caused me to lose sleep every night. I instead stared out the window and thought of Elijah for hours on end. I tried to not let it mess up my acting though. I didn't need Jackson to think that I was unstable from my dad's sudden death. Then I might be forced to leave the set, which was something I did not want at all.

The peace and emptiness in my trailer was soon filled with loudness and chaos when Miranda came to film. I had just gotten used to having the trailer all to myself when Liv left, and now I had to start all over again. The other Hobbits scoffed and told me not to get caught up with it, for I was the only lucky one who mostly had a trailer all to herself. Don't get me wrong, Miranda was a lot of fun. We had more of a friendship than with Liv, who was more like another mom. I just sometimes preferred the privacy Liv frequently gave me.

The good thing was that Jackson was following through with his Two Towers schedule, he had done scenes for that movie when Elijah and I left, so it meant that Elijah, Sean, Andy, and I weren't needed as much. Let me tell you, every day we didn't have to put on our costumes and Hobbit feet was a relief.

Two months came and went, and I was now totally in stride with the others. Unlike Elijah, I had learned to control my feelings around him to divert suspicion from the other Hobbits, especially Dominic. He kept a watchful eye on the both of us, waiting for some sort of sign or hint. Well, Elijah sure was giving him a bunch whenever he gave me a tiny smile, or whenever he tried to hold my hand under the table and I would kick his leg in refusal. Seriously, couldn't Elijah just control himself?! I was able to, even though it required great effort to fight it. I guess I was just stronger than him.

Casey called me almost everyday to vent about her feelings of Dad that wouldn't go away. I would soothingly give her advice and say things to make her feel better. It seemed as though the sound of my own voice cheered her up enough, for she would suddenly act very bubbly, almost too bubbly. I was worried that she was going to turn into me, and fall down a destructive path Elijah had only helped me out of.

"Relax," Elijah said through a mouthful of Cheetos. Elijah had bribed one of the food suppliers to buy big bulks of Cheetos bags whenever they stocked up. "Casey's just lonely, that's all."

I sighed and took a handful of Cheetos. Miranda hated the smell of such "processed snacks" that normally filled my trailer these nights. To her, these nights meant retiring to bed early. Not that I minded.

"You know I'm right." There went that spark again. I swear, it was becoming too much for me.

"Whatever. Night, Elijah." I stood up to get ready for bed and he kept a stare at me.

"C-Can I give you a goodnight kiss?" Oh dear lord. I was seriously ready to strangle the man.

"No!" I exclaimed, "friends don't give friends goodnight kisses!"

Elijah tried his best to contain his disappointment and annoyance, but with one look at his eyes, his emotions betrayed him. At least he tried to hide them from me. Even though he was an actor, he could never act like that in front of me. Without a word he left the trailer and slammed the door shut behind him, shaking the trailer with his hidden strength.

That night was another sleepless night. I glared out the window in the direction of Elijah's trailer. I really hoped that he would hurry up and adapt to our new situation. It was not fun for me to continue pulling him away. And if I did it too much, then there was a possibility that I could lose Elijah as a friend. That was something that I definitely did not intend to happen, no matter what went on. I couldn't lose my rock, ever.

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