Discoveries Upon Returning Home

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I woke up with Kat's deeply breathing body beside me. I smiled as I fondled with her bouncy carrot curls, glad that she was kind enough to give Liv and Miranda the two beds in her trailer and come sleep with me. I could still clearly remember her carefully climbing in when she thought I was sleeping, making herself comfortable before drifting off.

Today was the day Kat and I were leaving. At least we could hang out with the cast members in the plane before our stop in LA. Only Sean, Liv, Viggo, Kat, and I were to get off, while the others were to continue their journey to Europe. I couldn't believe our time had come to an end, this almost two year experience had taught me so much about acting and life. If it wasn't for these movies, then I wouldn't have Kat right beside me at the moment. Our wonderful memories would have ceased to exist.

Even though I was depressed about leaving, I couldn't wait to go home to Los Angeles. To see palm trees and feel the crisp, cool breeze of Los Angeles air was all I desired. It was winter in California though, probably a nice 60 degree winter, different than the winters here in New Zealand. Oh, how I missed Los Angeles weather!

The thought of Kat entered my mind again. Did she still want our relationship to be a secret from the public eye? Everyone here on set now knew about us, so it wasn't so much of a secret anymore. How would we face our moms and Hannah? Heck, how would we face the annoying paparazzi?! As far as the world knew, Kat was still unknown, though there were probably some people in the movie business who knew who she was now. I hoped that she was ready for the bumpy ride that came with fame. Hopefully, observing my path gave her some pointers along the way. I told myself that she was safe until we begun to do press for the Fellowship.

Kat cuddled in my chest, still asleep and exhausted from the night before. I looked up at the clock and saw that we both had two hours before our plane left for LA. I didn't want to wake her, but I knew I had to. I wanted us to stay like this in the country we had both grown to love with our hearts. Sean was right, New Zealand would always seem like a second home to us. Kat and I learned similar ins and outs of New Zealand that we already knew of Los Angeles.

Kat grumbled as she slowly arose, her brown eyes watching me under her long lashes. "W-What time is it?" she groaned, stretching her arms and legs. I didn't want to tell her the time, but I knew she would get upset if I didn't. I kissed the top of her head and she moaned, burying her head deep in my chest.

"The plane leaves in an hour and half," I mumbled in disgust.

She chuckled. "Don't be depressed; we're going back home!" Only a stupid person could not see the joy in her eyes when she thought of home.

"But what are we going to do?"

"About what?" I couldn't believe she actually didn't know what I was talking about, when she was the one that stressed about it in the first place!

"About us, whatever this thing is." I pointed my finger at the both of us for emphasis. "If we're going public or what. I want to know!" I had no idea how I got so heated all of a sudden. And by the look at Kat's face, she had no clue either.

"I don't know..." Kat bit her lip in sincere thought, "wouldn't it be fun to keep it our little secret? To screw around with the paparazzi a bit?"

Hmm. When she got me thinking about it, it sounded kind of fun. The public didn't know too much about my personal life anyway. But then again, I was only a kid, sheltered as much as my parents could allow. I was older now, my decisions more open to worldwide fame and judgement.

I finally nodded my head and she squealed in excitement. "So," I smiled at her, "does this make you...oh, how does it dirty little secret?" I winked and she crinkled her nose.

The Movie that Changed Our Lives (Elijah Wood/LOTR FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now