The Arrival of Eva

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I woke up one morning to the feeling of lips moving on my stomach. Alarmed, my head looked down to Elijah, whose lips were forming whispers of words. "Elijah?!" I exclaimed, "what the heck are you doing?!" He had officially gone insane.

He glanced up at me and grinned. "I was just talking to the baby," he explained, his hands soothingly rub my belly, "I wanted to know when she was coming out, and tell her that her mom was getting impatient." Man, he was so adorable. I was so lucky.

I chuckled and ran my fingers through his hair. "Oh, Elijah."

He tenderly kissed my stomach. "She said she's coming soon."

"She better be, her due date is tomorrow. You think it's a girl?"

He nodded. "Oh yeah. I have a very strong feeling."

"What if your Hobbit superpowers are wrong?" I teased him, "what if the baby's a boy?"

He shrugged. "Then I'm wrong. I don't really care. I just want her to be healthy, you know?"

"My god, don't jinx it, Elijah," I replied, "don't you remember Grey Havens?"

"Of course I do," he scowled, and reached down to kiss my stomach again, "but the baby will be fine. Just you wait and see, Kitty Kat."

I sighed and played with his fingers, hoping that what he said would become true. I didn't know what I would do if the baby wasn't healthy. I'd be so heartbroken. But then again, I would be so thankful she wasn't miscarried. Dear god, now I was treating the baby as if she was a girl. I was going to feel horrible if the baby turned out to be a boy.

For some reason, the rest of the day was super weird. I just had an uneasy feeling and would stroke my stomach a lot, as if that would solve all my problems. Elijah noticed and immediately grew concerned, asking me every few seconds if I was okay. I'd kiss him and tell him I was fine, but he still wasn't convinced. To help keep his mind off of it, he went to the baby's room and arranged everything. I guess he had a fatherly feeling that the baby was going to really be born today.

In the early evening, I had unusual stomach pains. I felt sharp pangs in my stomach that made me gasp and cry out. Elijah speed over to me every ten seconds it occurred, certain that I was feeling contractions or something. "I'm fine," I sourly snapped at him, batting his hand away, "leave me alone." I always felt so guilty whenever I was nasty to him, but my pregnancy hormones gave me even less tolerance for patience than ever. Poor Elijah had to suffer through my ever-changing moods every second of every day.

I don't remember much from that day, except for torturous pain. Apparently, my water broke at some point and Elijah rushed me to the hospital in hysterics. I can recall groaning and squeezing Elijah's hand, whining that it hurt really bad. I faintly remember the blur of the hospital room, the beads of sweat that ran down my forehead. I could hear the echo of my own screams and feel as though my body was being ripped apart in two. I can even compare the excruciating pain to anything else I ever experienced in my life. It was worse than period cramps and doing all that training for Chicago.

Other than the pain, I can clearly recall the sweet sound of Elijah's voice and the coolness of his hands. He soothingly pet my sweaty forehead and curls while I cried and screamed, and softly whispered that I was going to be fine, that I was doing a great job pushing. I think a couple of the doctors exchanged knowing glances while he spoke, recognizing the love he had for me. I tried to force out a smile in between screams, but it was impossible. Elijah understood and kissed my forehead, allowing me to squeeze his hand until his knuckles became pale white. He made the pain hurt less than it actually did, but it still killed me.

I passed out at one point, and when I woke up it was light outside. I'd been in labor all night long, with no rest or break, and I was exhausted. I wasn't in pain anymore, and I immediately became frightened and panicked. I quickly scanned the bedroom for any visible answer to what happened, and my eyes fell on Elijah. He was standing beside a small plastic bed filled with blankets, peering down and touching something with his fingers. I think he was murmuring something, but I couldn't make out what it was. I was so puzzled and confused.

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