Viggo's Last Day

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I snuggled close to Elijah, making patterns on his chest. I just felt so safe and secure at that moment that I never wanted him to let go. I took a deep breath and bit my lip, reaching over to check the time. We had to be in the makeup trailer in two hours, and laying there in the early morning darkness, I realized how short our time on set was. Whether I liked it or not, filming was almost done. The sadness and relief from the end of filming was vastly approaching and I was dreading the day it would take over. I had grown accustomed to the insane cast and crew that had fueled more than a year of my life.

Elijah groaned and stirred in his sleep. My stomach was growling in hunger, and even though I wanted to get up and eat from that pot of macaroni that we didn't even touch, I stayed put. I wanted Elijah far more than a silly pot of comfort food. It was strange, when we started filming, I never imagined something like this to happen. But here I was, curled up with Elijah, savoring the sweet scent of pine-wood that ran down his neck and drenched his skin.

I dug my head in Elijah's chest and held him even closer. At least I still had some time to enjoy the moment, before we both had to get up and get involved with the hustle and bustle of the day. Nothing could ever be as perfect as it already was.

Light fingers stroked my back, sending sparks to travel up and down my body. My eyes darted up to gaze into Elijah's, who was calmly watching me without saying a word. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes. "We gotta leave in an hour," Elijah muttered, kissing the top of my head, "today's Viggo's last day, you know." Oh god, I could never handle days cast members left us. Thank god Elijah and the other Hobbits could help me through it.

I sniffled and wrote words on his tummy. "Aren't we taking him out later tonight?" He slowly nodded, his hand gently resting on my lower back. "I can't believe filming's almost done," I sighed, "then it's gonna be Dom's last scene, then Billy's, then Sean's, then mine, then yours..."

"Hey, don't worry, Kitty Kat," he promised, "we're not going to lose touch with any of them."

God, he hadn't used that nickname in a long time. I buried my face in Elijah's body. "Dear lord," I murmured, "did you just call me Kitty Kat again?"

"Do you not want me to?" After a small moment of silence, I shook my head. It brought back so many memories of when we were younger. I had always loved that nickname, and wondered why he stopped using it. I believe it was when I got my first boyfriend, Nolan with chocolate brown eyes and jet black hair, in high school. Since then, he only used it one other time-when his parents got divorced. Crying on my shoulder, depressed and devastated, his mumbling of my nickname over and over again mirrored my distress when I found out my dad was dying long ago.

Elijah sweetly smiled at me, filling my body with absolute warmth. "Shouldn't we get up," I asked him, sitting up in bed, "we don't want to let Viggo down, don't we?" Elijah chuckled and kissed me, pulling me closer to him.


We only had a scene to film in the morning, but after lunch, we could sit back and watch Viggo in his last scene. Elijah and I sat in our chairs next to the other Hobbits, intently watching Viggo, John, and Orlando do their shots in the studio. One could easily tell that Viggo was trying to mask his emotions and get the scene done without bawling his eyes out in sadness. Everyone loved Viggo too immensely, and we were all definitely not happy to see him go.

Elijah sighed and put his arm around my shoulder, even though we were in public. I knew that our relationship was supposed to be a secret among the other cast and crew members, so I had to push him arm away, but I chose not to. Instead, I rested my head on his shoulder and breathed deeply. Viggo saw us observing him with relaxed contentment, and I could see a glint in his eyes. Dominic gave us a look, but finally decided to say nothing.

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