Chapter 11: Theories and Antidotes

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"Why are we getting these again?" Ryan asked Esposito to his right. They were on their way to the court house to get their warrant.

"I don't know, but I'm not questioning it, as long as Beckett's back."

"I don't understand why she is back though, I mean, it doesn't make sense. She didn't want to come back. She left for a reason, a good reason. She knew she was too close to this. So why would she come back? Why would Gates let her come back?"

"Dude, do you really need an answer to that?" Espo looked to Ryan, who furrowing brow gave an answer. "She's Beckett. Do you remember we got that first lead on her mother's case? She said she couldn't handle it at first, but after a short talk with her dad, she got right back on the case."

"Right, I guess you're right, but it still. I thought this time it was different. You know, if I were you, I'd be worried about Beckett killing you for telling the press she was pregnant and not thrilled that she's back."

"You know, I'm ignoring that for as long as I can."

"Bro, she's going to kill you. When you see her, make sure to ask her to take off her gun." Kevin was only half joking. Javi laughed awkwardly and began to do the one thing that comforted him. He sent a text to Laynie.

"Hey baby girl."

"Javi, guess who heard bout ur little press release."

"u think she's gonna shoot me? :/"

"this is kate beckett we'r talkin bout. She wont kill u, she'l torment u first."

"I hav to admit, im a tiny bit worried. :/"

"u should b more worried bout when castle hears. He's got lik 1 thing that makes him mad, n u just did it."

"ugh. I hate myself"

"I'm sure they rn't ur fans either rn. ;)"

"I hav to go. Luv u!"

"luv u too, baby. Good luck w/ Kate." Javi stepped out of the car with Ryan and they both prepared to see the judge. Warrants. Why couldn't they be electrically received yet?

As Kate pulled into the parking lot of Castle's apartment, she opened the her door, followed by Alexis' passenger door. She eyes opened and she stretched, making a little noise like a kitten. The she spoke, "I thought we were going to the hospital."

"We are, in the morning. Visiting hours are over today, I'm sorry."

Martha rose as well, "It's six o'clock in the evening. I don't think visiting hours are


"Only in the ICU where Rick is."

"Why?" Alexis asked.

"Because they have one day a week where they close the ICU early and give the severe cases a small break."

"That is the least inspired act I've ever seen Katherine." Martha said from the other side of the car.

"To be fair, you can't see my face and its not an act."

"Alright, well, I'm to tired to argue. You've won this round, because I don't think I could walk the way in the ICU. But we are heading over immediately in the morning."

Kate let a laugh, "Alright. Oh! But if you watch the news or press conference or someone calls to ask about it, its not true. I'm not pregnant and Rick and I are not engaged." Alexis and Martha shared a confused look.

"Alright... Should we be expecting back in the loft later tonight?" Martha wasn't really asking.

"Yes, I will be back in a few hours. I just have to go into work." Kate smiled a moment and turned to Alexis. "You be sure to call Max and tell him you're back though, alright?" Alexis raised her brow. "What? You two are still together, right?"

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