2. THE PAST pt. ii

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MAY 1942

IT WAS ANOTHER NIGHT OUT FOR JAQ, STEVE, AND BUCKY. Bucky had returned after a win for America, leaving him a month of free time before he had to leave again. Jaq remembered how in April she had met Bucky after Steve's double date.

The young woman knew it was weird after Steve's random disappearance that lasted a full week but she knew to keep her mouth shut; it was his business. Steve had been secretive about something, and she gave him space, knowing he was probably disappointed that he would never make it into the army like Bucky.

"It's ten," Steve announced and Jaq bit her lip as Bucky nodded, glancing at his own pocketwatch before looking up at her. Bucky rose from his seat at the table and grabbed onto his hat that had sat beside his plate.

"Bye Bucky," Steve stood up and hugged his friend goodbye. Bucky snorted and muttered something to Steve and a grin lit up on the smaller man's features.

Jacqueline slowly rose from my chair as she watched the two friends interact. It was always great hanging out with Steve and Bucky. She never had many guy friends and now was dependent on both men to bring entertainment to her life.

Bucky shoved Steve playfully and turned towards the dark beauty, his grin widening.

"Bye," Jaq told him shyly as he approached her, "see you on Friday?"

He hugged her softly and pulled back at the question, gently holding her hand in his. Jaq blushed at the action, Bucky was always outgoing and slowly, started acting differently around her than before.

It had been awhile since they first met and it felt like Jaq instantly fell for him. She knew why Steve didn't want her around Bucky. Bucky flirted with any girl around him and Steve didn't want that to be around her. He didn't want Jaq falling for Bucky. Steve knew her heart could get broken.

"Always," Bucky grinned down at the young woman and kissed her cheek suddenly before letting go of her tanned hand.

Bucky and Jacqueline had a ritual. Besides their dinner with Steve at their favourite diner, the two would take a walk around New York City once a week.

After Bucky left, it was peaceful between Jaq and Steve and both continued to eat their dinner. It was an okay dinner, they had tried out lots of new restaurants when they could.

"Well you two seem to be cozy. A little bit closer than friends I'd say," Steve states, putting his napkin down on his lap after a long pause.

Jacqueline choked on her food at Steve's comment. She grasped Steve's hand as he patted her back in earnest, waiting for her to settle down. She gasped as the lump in her throat disappeared.

"What are you trying to say, Steve?" Grabbing her water and taking a small sip to clear her throat from the scratchiness left behind.

"That I approve of you and Bucky," Steve told her, who stared blankly at him, wondering why he was so casual about setting up his two friends. "Trust me, at first I wasn't sure, but now I am. I want my two friends to be happy and you two together may be the answer."

"B-But I am happy, Steve!" Jaq cried out indignantly, hitting him across the chest. "I don't need Bucky to be happy." She felt hurt at Steve's words because she felt that women should not be dependent on a man just because it's what's normal. Women can be strong without a man!

"No, no you aren't Jaq," Steve sighed. "Stop trying to fool yourself. Your parents have stopped talking to you and left the gym in your care. You shouldn't have to be doing that, you're only 24! You already have a mysterious job even I don't know about!"

Jacqueline winced, she knew that it would come up eventually. Steve was always shocked and concerned that his friend wouldn't tell him where she worked. Well, she couldn't tell him. It would put him in danger.

Jaq stayed quiet. She couldn't say anything about it.

"You know, after that double date, Bucky hasn't flirted with any girls." Steve changed the subject slightly.

"Really?" Jaq asked skeptically, pushing the leftover food on her plate with her fork. "I'm pretty sure he had a thing for that girl at the diner the last time we had lunch together." It had hurt when she saw Bucky flirting. Jaq knew it would happen but she didn't realise how much it would hurt her.

"Don't you get it Jaq? He was trying to make you jealous."

Should she believe what Steve was telling her? He was, after all, Bucky's childhood and best friend. He knew him better than anyone.

"Okay," Jaq began, placing her hands on the table and thought through what to say next. "I do like Bucky, a lot. I just don't know, Steve. He's so different than what I'm used to and I'm not sure-"

"I'm sure. I'm sure that he likes you." Steve told his girl friend determinedly.

Jaq blushed at his words, "alright. We'll see, okay?"

"I must warn you, Bucky will be shipped out soon, so if you think there could be anything between you two. . . Try now."

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