Save my from myself (BVB/PTV/SWS) Fanfic

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"Are you ready yet!?" my mother yelled from downstairs.

"Coming!" I grabbed my suitcase, well both of them that had all my clothes in them. I grabbed them both and my Bass guitar lugging them all downstairs. you are probably wondering who I am, my name is Rayvin Doll, I am 20 years old and my sister is the one and only Sammi Doll. I am short compared to my sister at 5' 1'', my hair is short of the left side and longer in the back and on the right side. the back and left side are dyed black and the front is a Lime green. I know how to play Bass, guitar and drums and prefer the bass. I also do photography like Sammi. so yeah back to why I have two suitcases and my bass, I'm going with Sammi for the summer. I needed to get away from here for a while after what had happened over the past few months. I reached the stairs and was greeted by Jinxx, Sammi's Fiancée and the Rhythm Guitarist for the band Black Veil Brides.

"Hey Ray." he said and grabbed the bigger of the two suitcases.

"Thanks, so where's Sammi?" she said she was gonna pick me up and fly with  me to Cali so why the hell was Jinxx here?

"Sammi had a last minute photo shoot and didn’t you want to fly alone so I offered to come get you." he said as we went down the stairs. mom was in the kitchen just closing the dishwasher when we made it down the stairs.

"Why Thanks." I said sarcasm in my voice, I still don’t see why I couldn’t fly alone. I wasn’t 5.

Jinxx laughed, "She just worries." he said. mom rushed over telling to be careful making sure I packed everything and so on.

"Mom! ill be fine," I said and Jinxx checked his watch.

"Sorry Mrs. Doll we have to leave or we will miss our flight." she gave Jinxx a hug and then me. we all walked outside to the taxi that seemed to pull up as soon as we walked out. Jinxx grabbed both my bags but I refused to let him touch my bass. I loved that man but no one touched that. he put his hands up in surrender and put the other two bags in the taxi.

"Bye mom." I said giving her a hug.

"Just be careful Ray, I don’t want to see you hurt again. and remember talk before you do something rash, I know Sammi and the guys will always listen." I nodded and felt my hand graze over the gauze on my right arm. I needed to be strong. I gave mom one last hug and went with Jinxx in the cab. as we pulled away I watched mom wave from the steps.

"UHHHH! I hate security!" I growled under my breath as we finally made it through the security at the airport, of course after all my piercing and bracelets had to be taken off. Jinxx laughed as I slipped in my Lip ring. I slapped him on the arm and he faked hurt. I stuck my tongue out at him as we boarded our plane. we got into our seats and Jinxx helped my put my bag up top.

"How are you so short?" he asked with a smile on his face.

"Cause Sammi stole all the tallness" I said and plopped in the window seat.

"Hey I wanted the window!" Jinxx whined.

"To bad." I said taking out my phone quickly posting to Twitter.

'Great now a 3 hour flight next to @JinxxBVB #whatfun J' I posted and shut my phone off taking out my iPod. I searched my playlist and settle on Bulletproof love by PTV. I plugged in my headphones and closed my eyes leaning my head on Jinxx. his chest bounced a bit and I knew he was laughing at my position, hey he was comfortable. I fell asleep with demons filling my thoughts.

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