Girl talk

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A/N OMFG I CANT BELIEVE HOW MANY READ THIS HAS!!! i felt it nessary to give you an update even though this chapter is more of a filler but it was semi needed, dont worry i got more action coming enjoy.


I watched my love intently thinking about everything. it was the last week of tour and Sammi was coming back today. she knew some of what had happened but I kept most of it to myself, it was still a daily struggle with myself and no one here knew yet of me not eating much, I think Juliet had some suspicions though. but anywho I was getting there one day at a time.

"Ray!" Juliet yelled next to me, yea we had gotten very close over the past two weeks she had been here, she was someone I could always go to. I snapped my attention away from the stage and looked at her.

"Stop fantasying about what you're going to do with Jaime after the show." she said laughing. I turned pale white to beet red making her laugh harder.

"I'm not Ash, that is what he does to almost every girl."

"What do I do to almost every girl?" someone asked from behind us and I saw  Ash walking up to us. shit!

"Oh Ray was saying that-mhmhm" I muffled her quickly trying to stop her. Ash laughed and grabbed me throwing me over his shoulder.

"Ahhh! put me down!" I yelled kicked but it was doing nothing.

"As you were saying?"

"About how you fantaziing about every girl you see with what you want to do with them." Juliet said.

"Oh is that right?" he said and I knew I was in deep trouble now.

"Uh maybe you are a man whore" I said and before I knew it he was tickling me so hard I couldn’t breath.

"Ah Ash please stop HELP!" I screamed. god I hated being tickled but it was so hot out and now I really cant breath, I felt my throat closing up a bit more than usual. I flailed my arms hoping someone would get the message. my inhaler was in Juliets bag cause I had needed it a bit more lately. I heard Jaime's voice before I saw him.

"Ash stop she cant breathe!" he yelled and next thing I knew he was holding me and he held my inhaler in my mouth pressing it. after a few times and I breathed it in. I looked up at him once I could breathe right.

"I'm ok" I said.

"You almost werent" he mumbled kissing my forehead.

"Its not ashes fault it’s the heat." I got up and gave ash a hug.

"I'm sorry" he said "Don’t be I'm ok, now what are we doing." I asked changing the subject.

"Well I came to get you because we are leaving to go get Sammi." Ash said.

"YAY!" I said jumping around a bit, Jaime put his hand on my shoulder.

"Calm down hyper child." he laughed, he knew he loved him. I headed off to the bus wanting to grab a drink before we headed off to the airport. I opened the door to the fridge grabbing a monster and went back outside to see everyone outside. CC, Jake, Jinxx, Ash, Andy, Jayy, Dahvie, Vic, Tony, Jaime and mike were all goofing off outside. I chuckled and went to stand by Tony who seemed to be the calmest here.

"Hey kiddo" he said hugging me sideways. I hugged him back.

"Ok lets get in two cars we are all going right?" Jinxx asked. we all nodded our heads and piled in. Ash drove, Andy was in the front, Mike, Vic, Jaime and me were in one car, I sat on Jaime's lap and then Dahvie, Jayy, CC, Jinxx, Jake and Tony were in the second.

"Where is Sammi Gonna sit?" I asked realizing there was no room.

"Somewhere, " Ash said.

Skipping the drive

I stood with Jinxx inside the Airport, we had decided that the rest of the guys would wait outside the airport. I looked at the people exiting the terminal c gate 8, I was looking Sammi's black and blonde hair. near the end of the people I saw her. she was scanning the airport  and when she spotted Jinxx and I her face lite up and she ran towards us. she jumped into Jinxx's arms and hugged him. I was happy she was back I missed my sister. I know Jinxx missed her too he skyped her more than I did. they finished hugging and Sammi took me next into a bone crushing hug.

"Is my little Rebel behaving" he said and I mumbled a yes into a shoulder that was in my face. she laughed at me attempt to talk as Jinxx grabbed her baggage and we headed out to the others. Jaime grabbed me as soon as I walked out.

"I missed you"  he said.

"Dude I was gone like 10 minutes" I argued, man I wonder about this guy sometimes. he sighed and we separated into cars for the ride home. Sammi made Jaime go in the other car cause she wanted to talk to me without him, as she stated and he argued but in the end knew damn well he lost and went in the other car.

A few hours later

"I'm Ready Sammi!" I yelled down bunk alley of the bus. she bounded out a few minutes later Jinxx behind her.

"Where are you going?" he asked looking from me to her and back.

"Well considering the behavior of the three musketeers on the way home I never got to talk to my sister about everything that happened when I wasn’t here." she stated grabbing my arm and hightailing me off the bus. I heard Jinxx yell to be safe, I just shook my head, gotta love that man.

"So what happened while I was gone, how did the boys torture you?" she asked as we walked. we were somewhere near the end of tour now so I think we were in the middle of the state cause it was dry and hot. we found a spot in the shade and I began to talk.

"Well Juliet and I get along great were are like best friends," I saw Sammi smile "and we had a girls day out and it was fun." I looked down at me batman converse I decided to wear today. "Well they decided to have a birthday party for me on my birthday and Juliet made me wear a dress it was black and green with straps and skulls on it." I was interrupted by Sammi's laughter and I had to smile, I loved seeing her happy.

"So where did you get this?" She asked touching my necklace that Jaime had bought me for my birthday, I wore it all the time among others.

"Well that was Jaime's birthday gift for me," I told her "take a closer look at it." she looked at the engraving and gasp, before she could say something more I jumped in. "Well I'm not single anymore!" I said with a smile on my face.

"OH MY GOD he asked you out!" she screamed having a few of the passerby's look at us strangely. I nodded my head and in a flash I was fully engulfed in Sammi had she held me close.

"I'm so happy for you Ray, he'll be great for you." I smiled I hope so, I loved being this happy again.

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