when you believe in me

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"Sammi?" I asked my sister who was in the proccess of making sure she had put everything in her luggage. she stopped and looked at me.

"Yeah Ray."

"I'm gonna miss you." I said tears on the edge of my eyes.

"Oh Ray-Ray I'm gonna miss you too but ill catch up with you all ad Juliet will be here soon and you can hang out with her." she said hugging me close I nodded against her knowing I needed to stay here, I was having fun and I wanted to stay near Jaime, Sammi and I had talked about everything last night and yeah I was gonna miss my sister but I could do this. "Just remember stay strong and the guys will always be here for you." I nodded and helped her grab her bags John was taking her to the airport before we headed off for the next venue. we had today and tomorrow off and you all wanted to relax before you had to play the day after and not have to rush setting things up. just then we heard john yelling.

"Sammi we have to go before you miss your flight!" Jinxx and Andy came in grabbing the suitcases and Sammi looked to me.

"You can do this." she said hugging me close, we parted and walked out and she got in the car and rolled the window down.

"Behave, take care of her." she yelled at the guys before she pulled off waving back at me , I waved until I could no longer see her. I took out my phone.

'Watching me sister @SammiDoll drive away for the airport is the hardest thing to do' I tweeted. it was hard but I took a deep breath and headed back into the bus, I  mean we only had to wait to john to get back before we were heading to the next venue. I must have spaced out because it only felt like a few minutes when the door opened and John stepped on and the bus began moving. I looked at me phone seeing it had been two hours and sighed going into the bathroom. I stripped going into the shower looking at, what I called a discusting body. I saw my scars that were angry and red along my arm, they were taking time to heal even though it had been about 3 weeks since I had last relapsed, Sammi didn’t know and I wanted it that way cause I felt horrible about it. I quickly washed up and got out getting dressed in my black zipper tripp skinnies, my ripped up white and black ribcage shirt and my black vest with my buttons on it. I slipped on my bracelets remebering my birthday was coming up in three days and once again Sammi wasn’t gonna be here. I sighed maybe one year. I walked out seeing the boys in front of the TV and Batman was playing. I sat down next to Ashley seeing as it was the only seat open and I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

'cant wait to see you at the next venue.' it was Jaime. I smiled and I think Ash noticed. I slapped him and sent a text back to Jaime.

'me neither it been a bit since I have seen you.' I smiled, I have been busy with the guys the past few days and haven't been able to hang out much. I text Jaime until I fell asleep against Ash until I felt the bus stop and then we were at the next venue. I got up and grabbed another monster to help wake me up and I grabbed my camera.

"I'm gonna go get some pictures!" I yelled back to the guys.

"Ok stay safe!" Jinxx yelled from somewhere near the bunks. I entered the hot oasis of Warped tour, well more like a bunch of busses parked on a dirt pit and people doing things. I walked into what would be warped tour fill with people in less than 48 hours. I saw different bands and crew people walking around. I took some pictures and when I took one I wrote the pic number and who it was in my little notebook I kept on me for organizing. I walked around this venue just looking around and taking pictures and I came upon a small grassy hill. I plopped down on the grass running the blades through my hands. I grabbed out my phone pressing play on whatever playlist I left off on and Revelation by Black veil brides played over the sky.

'the glory of a nation dies, a symbol of this war is coming" Andy's deep voice filled the area around me but most people paid no mind to me on the hill as they were busy doing things. I sang along to the song that played until a slow song came on.

once i wish i could be on the other side of this conversation, id pay so much more
attention to the details i forgot like... how easy it was to smile now i'm losing my concentration, cause my thoughts aren't learning to fake it
and i never said this was your fault but...

when you believe in me, then i'll believe in everybody else
i can see that this wont come easy, when you believe in me
i'll believe

I sang along to Jaime's voice loving the sound of it. yes I met the guy but his few songs were still amzing to me. the next verse started.

i just think that time has a crazy way of changing my interpretation, on how things left off i hate it, i wish we could certainly debate it.
if you think you're still the one who lives in my <3...i don't even think i'll say it
i'll just stick to the basics love, just stick to the basics...

and we don't need to yell no more, we can sit alone and listen
we could have a lil drink and sip it, get a lil close and whisper...

but when you believe in me, then i'll believe in everybody else
i can see that this wont come easy, when you believe in me
hell when i believe in me
i'll believe

I let the music take me over and it made me feel like I was the only one there on that hill. maybe that's why I didn’t hear the footsteps on someone aproaching.

in everything i though i knew, and every chance i could have used to help me save me from this <3 mess i got into suprise, suprise im alone
please carry me home,

then he song continued but someone else sang along with me.

"so i can say

that when the light escapes from here and all the sound it just disappear
is when i'll believe in all of this, cause what i want, its not what i get
is it cause i'm asking too much, oh god i'm asking too much

"when you and me agree, that this is me"" I turned around and faced that handsome man with the wild hair. a smile on his face showing his dimples, oh fuck he just heard me listen to his song and then sang it and heard me sing it, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. I just wanted to hide but I just stared at him as the next song came on.

and i just fell in the deep end,
like a lush without her weekend
but i wrote this for you kid.
its not what i wanted, i need it.
but man its a long trip,
from all the crazy things I've seen in this world
I'm blessed, I guess.

I blushed even more fumbling to get to my phone witch was next to me to silence it but a hand stopped me. I looked up seeing Jaime's eyes so close to me, his face meer inches from mine, I could smell his breath of peppermint. my breathing seemed to stop as he coninued the song.

" i find it difficult to sleep when all the walls they just seem to
speak to me.
and its kind of funny that i laugh because my hearts so fucked up
i can barely stand up
the sights and sounds of the cars outside,
the red and greens on the traffic lights
that the only thing i got is this,
the only thing i want is this...

memories that make me smile,
a girl to stand there so she can admire the way
i can never ever really keep my hands to myself.
but the alcohol it taste so sweet,
when its mixed with lies and defeat of
all the battles i lost and lost again." then the music seemed to fade as he leaned just that little bit closer to where his lips ghosted over mine, almost a feather of a touch, my breathing almost was none existent with how close we where, his hand was placed on my back holding me right where he was when someone yelled his name.

"jaime!" it sounded like Kellin. we jumped apart from eachother and I blushed like a manwoman. I looked down as the person who yelled approached us.

"Hey Kellin." I heard Jaime say. I spaced out just thinking, what the hell just happened? or almost happen?


OMG what just went on! any ideas, ok really? i promise things will happen soon just bear with me, i love you all for reading this hope its good. CANDIES!!!!!!!


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