i would give my life to see you smile

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"Jaime I'm all done with the laptop!" I yelled, wincing as it pulled at my ribs. Jaime came in a grabbed the computer from my lap. I finally got to send my boss those pictures he wanted from my computer. that I took before this all happened. I mean my boss wasn’t the best but he was at least working with me considering I was bed ridden while I was healing.

"All set for now?" he asked taking the computer and sticking it on the nightstand.

"Yeah until my boss calls demanding something else" I said. he laughed and I slapped him with my cast.

"Ow.." he whined faking hurt. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"So the guys are coming over for dinner.." Jaime said and I got all excited.

"YAY" I grabbed for my canes, they were like those special ones that had the guards on the arms to help you stand cause my legs were weak but getting stronger and my ribs restricted me for a bit too, but Jaime went to go stop me.

"Jaime don’t, I can do it" I slowly got over the side of the bed and Jaime stayed with my every movement but I was tired of getting carried around and being taken care of. I slowly lifted my weight on my canes and began moving, shit this hurt, I can do this I told myself. luckily Jaime's bedroom was downstairs in his house, it was only the guest ones that were upstairs. I made it to the living room before the door opened and all of BVB and the girls came in.

"Ray what are you doing" Sammi gasped seeing me up and rushed towards me.

"Sammi stop I can do it" Sammi growled but listened. Jaime set up pillows on the couch making a comfy fort for me. he sat down and Sammi helped me sit and I leaned back on him. it felt nice to sit like this with him.

"Jinxx will you just grab the dinner out of the oven." Jaime said as PTV walked in as well.

"Holy shit she made it from the bedroom!" Vic said seeing my canes on the floor where I dropped them.

"Yes I did" I looked back at Jaime the best I could "So what is for dinner?"

"Spaghetti." I smiled I loved spaghetti. Jinxx came back in and handed plates to us and Mike helped him who went to the kitchen when  he came in. on my plate I had a bunch of spaghetti and some garlic bread. I ate what I had and then Vic grabbed my plate. I looked to Andy who was sitting in front of me.

"Andy could you get my batman blanket, I'm getting chilly" he nodded running to Jaime's room and came back with my blanket and laid it over me and Jaime.

"So what movie you wanna watch?" Tony asked looking through the movie pile

"Cars!" I yelled and everyone laughed at my childness but put the movie on anyways. I sat there glued to the TV except when I was stuffing myself with snacks the guys brought out. once that was over we watched Finding Nemo. I fell asleep during that With Jaime holding onto me.

Jaime POV

I held Ray as she fell asleep during the second movie and Vic helped me get up with her so I could bring her to bed. as I came out of the bedroom Vic stopped me in the hallway.

"So man when are you going to ask her?" he asked and I had to smile.

"As soon as she is all better, it's not something I wanted to ask while she was healing."

"Jaime I'm happy for you" he said bro-hugging me"

"I really hope they catch the bastard who did this to her" I said taking a peek at the girl who was laying down in my bed. she really was the love of my life.

Ray POV *4 weeks later*

"Ok Ray you are all set just remember take it easy until you feel ready." the doctor said signing my release forms. today I got all my casts off cause I was pretty much healed. I grabbed Jaime's hand and left the doctors office feeling happy, for once I felt like things were gonna get better. I smiled as we walked to the car just enjoying my self.

"So what are we doing Jaime?" I asked him once we got in the car.

"Well how about we go home watch some movies and then I have dinner resevations for us tonight, I'm taking my pretty lady out on a date" Jaime answered I laughed.

"Oh who is this pretty lady that you speak of its no moi" I said

" Ah por supuesto es mi señora" he said speaking his mexican language. I laughed

"If you say so"

"Oh and I do" we both laughed, god I love this man.


Sorry its so short i dont have many ideas left for this story, it shall be ending soon. you should read my other Ashley Purdy fanfic call Black Bird. so yeah comment and let me know any ideas for future chapters.

Song- Your not alone- Of Mice and Men

Feeling- slightly hungover from last night and really fucking tired

Oh and By the way your beatiful, just figured id let you know

Save my from myself (BVB/PTV/SWS) FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora