angels are watching over me

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“Kayden don’t hit your sister thats not nice”

“But she took my toy mommy!” he whined.

“Play nicely” i said and then they started playing in the sandbox just like they should be. i looked around watching all the other families in the park, mothers father and kids. i sighed looking at my little ones building in the sand of the sandbox, wishing that their father could be home tomorrow, for their 3rd birthday. Jaime and i had two beautiful twins a year after we were married, after the doctor told me i wasn’t able to get pregnant because of my ex. It was a surprise to the both of us when we heard we were not only having a child but twins. Kayden was the oldest one, he was was born naturally 30 minutes before his sister Arianna, who was delivered by c-section after she got stuck. Kayden was very smart and already knew how to write his name, he always protected his sister, he loved music and running around the house acting like his father. Arianna was very outspoken and wasnt far behind her brother in smarts, she was very artistic and loved to draw, she was also my little star who loved having mommy take her picture doing any pose she could think of. she loved music as much as her brother but she loved to sing her lungs out. if anything i think she was going to be my model.

i looked down at the time and saw it was almost 630, i had to get the kids home and fed before 730, everynight at 730 he would skype the kids to say goodnight and tell a bedtime story, sometimes the whole band said hi to the kids as well. Vic was the crazy uncle who loved to play games whenever he saw the kids. Tony was the one who loved to teach the kids, right now he was teaching both of them to skateboard, Kayden was better at it than his sister, but whatever Kayden tried so did Arianna. Mike was the deviant uncle who always got them in trouble, mostly doing pranks on Mike and Jaime but the kids had fun. the guys had opened up so nicely when the the twins were born.

“Kids lets go we need to get home and have dinner” i need say no more they both jumped up, covered in sand, and followed me on the same path home.

“Mommy when is daddy calling?” Arianna asked grabbing my hand.

“At 730” i answered as we crossed the street and turned down the street our house was.

“And what time is it now mommy?” Kayden asked skipping backwards down the sidewalk. i shook my head at him,

“Its a little after 630.”

they both nodded as we kept walking. i saw the house about 3 houses down and smiled, home.

“Ari i race you to the house” Kayden said. Arianna let got of my hand and ran ahead of her brother. i just smiled watching the kids, play and just be kids. i went in the house hearing them upstairs running around.

“Kids no running in the house, and wash your hands please, you're covered in sand!” i yelled up to them.

“But mommy the sand is my friend” Kayden said.

“Well your friend isn't allowed at the table so wash up” he sighed so loudly i heard him from where i was but i heard the water turn on upstairs.

“Kids dinners ready!” i yelled and i heard them come running down the stairs. tonights dinner was their favorite, Taco bowls, my homemade special, it was one of Jamie's favorites. we sat and ate the kids were too busy eating to really say much. i looked over at the clock and saw it was 725.

“Finish up and then go wash the taco off your hands and then meet me in the living room. they rushed upstairs to wash up and i grabbed my computer bringing it to the living room. i brought up skype and as soon as it was up i had an incoming call from Jaime. i accepted and his face filled my computer.

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