Chapter 5

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Sorry about the mix up with Tally's brother's name it's Michael officially.

Tally's POV

I walked out of the house to meet Michael at the car. My mom had covered my bruises with make up as long as I told her the truth. Which believe me was hard. Then on top of that I had to convince her not to press charges.

"Hey you ready for school?"

I gave Michael a weak nod then sat in the passenger seat of the car.

"Is everything okay Tally?"

I gave him signs for "Yeah everything's fine."

We pulled up to the school and I did my best to avoid Chaz, Justin, and Ryan. I knew if I ran into one I'd find them all.

"Hey Tally." I turned to see Danielle.

I waved back to her.

"So do you want to hang out today?"

I gave her a nod for yes.

Justin's POV

I entered the school with nothing but anger. I had to find Chaz now. What he did to Tally wasn't cool. Not to mention it could get me in big trouble if a teacher saw those bruises. I walked up to Chaz's locker and he was there. 

I also saw he had a giant bruise on the side of his head. I decided to play dumb for a minute to see what happened.

"What's up Chaz? What happened to your head?"

"That bitch Tally. All I tried to do was help show her a good time and she hits me in my head with a fucking table lamp. Dude I don't see how you are going to go a whole year with her."

"Wow Chaz I honestly can't believe how I've went 5 years being your friend."

"Excuse me?"

I punched him in the face then slammed him against the lockers and held him there. "You had no right to put your hands on her. She's done nothing to you. You lying bitch."

"What do you care you don't even like her. All you do is say how much you hate her."

"That's none of your business." I punched him twice in the face and once in the stomach sending him to the ground. "And that's just a preview for if you touch her again." I kicked him in his stomach then walked through the crowd that had formed.

When I reached Tally's locker she had no bruises. With closer investigation I could tell by the slight powdery texture that she had make up on. "Don't worry he won't hurt you again."

I could tell by her facial expressions she was curious as to what I had done. 

After school I met Tally at my car. She was holding up her white board and it read. "I'm going to the movies with Danielle today."

I let out a groan. "Not her don't you have another friend that can come?"

She shook her head no.

"You're going to be difficult all year aren't you?"

She wrote on her board but I pulled it out of her hands. "Do you have a cell phone?"

She nodded.

"Good because that's what we're going to use unless in school. Now let me see it."

She pulled out her iphone and I put my number in it. Then my ringer went off.

Tally the Annoying:
I'm not being difficult you just don't like me

"Whatever let's go." Honestly she was right I didn't like her, but I didn't know why. I mean she hadn't done anything to me. I didn't even know her. It was just and instant reaction. I pulled up to Danielle's house and she ran out of the house like a 5 year old girl who saw a pony.

"Hey Tally."

"Well if it isn't Danielle? I see you're still as ugly as usual."

"Likewise Bieber uggghhhh you're such an ass."

"That's not what you thought last year. Hmmm I recall you being..."

"Shut up!"

I turned around and noticed Tally's confused look. I decided to ignore it considering I didn't feel like explaining.

After sitting through Safe Haven and hearing the girls talk about it the whole car ride. Well Tally waved her hands everywhere while Danielle wouldn't shut up.

I practically kept the car moving while Danielle got out of the car. 

Unfortunately my service didn't end until 10 p.m. on Friday's and it was only 8.

I sat on Tally's bed while she changed into pajama pants and a tight tank top.

"So what do you want to do?"

She shrugged saying she didn't know.

"Are you always this boring? I mean you don't do anything."

I heard my ring tone and checked her text.

Tally the Annoying:
Are you always so mean. I mean you do nothing but say mean things to me

"Well maybe if you were normal I'd have something nice to say."

Tally the Annoying:
I am normal

"No you're a freak and you don't belong in our school."

she didn't reply and I saw a tear trail down her cheek. For a second I felt bad but wiped that away when I realized the truth in my words.

The 2 hours couldn't have gone fast enough. I rushed out of her room leaving her in the dark alone. A whole year of this just wasn't going to work.

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