Chapter 16

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Tally's POV

I opened my locker and sat my back pack inside. Then with sat motions I took out the things I was going to need for the first half of the day. I then felt someone pat me on my back. Turning around I saw it was Dustin.

He's the only person I've really been talking to since my argument with Justin. And well Danielle's been questioning my loyalty with her so all conversation was cut off there. "Are you okay?" Dustin asked me.

I nodded my head. Then the five minute bell rang. "Well we should head to class." He said before hugging me and walking away.

As I walked slowly down the hall I felt someone pull me to the side. It was Justin. I quickly looked around. The hall was empty except for a few students who could care less about being late to class. I pulled away from Justin and just looked

f l.p. at him. I had left my phone in my locker and he didn't understand sign so it's all I was able to do.

"Look Tally I'm so..."

"Wow and to think I was going to apologize."

I turned my head and saw Danielle glaring at Justin and I. My face was red and I was frustrated. What were the odds they'd want to apologize or talk at the same time.

"Justin what are you doing here?"

"I'm trying to apologize to Tally. So could you excuse me?"

"No, I mean do you really think your apology will do anything? Tally has a best friend and a potential boyfriend. You're just intervening. The best thing you could do for her is to just leave."

I would do anything to be able to talk and break this up right now but all I could do was stand aside and listen.

"Oh really Then why does she confide in me? Why does she tell me things and open up to me?"

"Mistakes. We all make them."

"Mistakes? Or maybe she actually considers me to be a friend."

"She'll never consider you to be a friend.  So give up."

I watched Justin back away slightly before turning to me. "I don't have time for this. Tally I'll just text you."

I was going to nod but Danielle was there. Once he was down the hall and around the corner Danielle turned to me. "Are you going to actually talk to him? Especially after what I told you."

Not wanting to cause an argument I just shook my head no. "Well I'm really sorry Tally. I understand that I really overreacted. I shouldn't have been upset with you for confiding in Justin. It was a mistake and I don't blame you. Although I expect you learned your lesson and won't do it again."

I really didn't know how to handle Danielle telling me I couldn't talk to Justin so I just waved goodbye and walked to class.


At home walked in to find Michael sitting at the island in the kitchen. He was eating chips and dip and I sat down helping myself to some. "Hey who said I was sharing?" He said jokingly.

I cracked a small smile but it didn't last long.

"Hey what's wrong?" I looked at Michael for a while wondering if I should tell him about Justin and Danielle. I decided yes and signed my story. When it was done I could tell Michael wasn't to happy. " Well I agree with Danielle. Justin should be completely out of the picture and frankly if he's not I'll do something about it."

"But it's none of your business what Justin and I do." I signed vigorously to him.

"You're my little sister if course it's my business. Plus Justin does nothing but cause trouble. Trouble that you don't need to be a part of."

I was so frustrated now. So I just stood up and walked to my room. The moment I entered my phone buzzed. Pulling out of my booking I saw Justin had texted me.

Hey is it safe to talk?


He didn't text me back for a minute and I thought he wasn't going to talk to me then my phone rang. I looked down and saw he was calling me. Was he trying to insult me as an apology? I slid my thumb across the screen and answered the call.

"Hey Tally. I called because I wanted to do the talking and well I can't fit a lot in a text. So anyway. I just wanted to start from the beginning and be honest. When I first met you and had to do my service I wanted nothing to do with you. Although that first time you confided in me I got really confused. Then I dated Sammie again and she tried to make me choose and well I chose her."

I didn't really know how to feel at this point so I just sat there with the phone to my ear.

"That's when I made the plan but as I started to act it out we danced and it felt right so I actually wanted to hang out with you.  And I guess now we're here."

I stayed silent considering there was no way for me to tell him exactly how I feel. "Tally can you meet me? I really want to talk to you in person."

I thought about his question. If I met up with him who knows what I might confess too. Plus Danielle hates him. What if we got caught and she started to hate me? I was so confused so I did what would make me happy.


I watched Justin walk into the park with his hood over his head and his head low. When he approached me he looked up and cracked a small smile. I smiled back and waited for him to sit beside me. "Thank you for coming."

I smiled and waved to him. We sat in silence for a while before he talked again. "So Danielle really hates me huh?"

I shrugged and nodded me head in agreement.

"Yeah she's always been like that towards me. She hates anyone popular at our school. Except for your brother and Dustin."

I nodded in agreement again.

"I heard what she said to you when I walked away."

I slumped down on the bench. This was so difficult. Two close friends that hate each other. And one is arch enemies with my brother.

"If she's really your friend she'll get over it. I mean it's not up to her it's up to you."

I nodded. This was the side of Justin that I liked. His sensitive Tally safe side. I didn't look over at him as an awkward silence enveloped us. The park was empty and I just stared ahead at the little pond they built instead of a fountain. Then I felt someone take my hand.

Looking down I saw Justin place my hand on his knee and make little imaginary circles on it. "You know this arrangement is very complicated. Although I like it, it's kind of exciting you know sneaking around and having outbursts with your brother and Danielle.

I smiled faintly before looking at his face.

"You know at first I wanted nothing to do with you because of your...disability. But I think that's what draws me to you. Just the whole mystery."

I gave him a confused look not quite sure of what mystery he was talking about.

"You know the fact that you can't talk gives a lot of mystery. Like I always wonder what your voice would sound like. I also wonder what your laugh would sound like. If you'd be able to sing. Just so much would be different."

I looked down to see he still hadn't let go of my hand. The little connection was suddenly making me nervous. I wanted to pull away but my brain wasn't quite delivering the message.

"My mom and cousin think that you'd be the right girl for me."

My body tensed up.

"They both hate Sammie but they're drawn to you. Even though they don't know you. And you know what? I really don't blame them. You are amazing and respectful. Everything Sammie isn't."

I heard his voice drop and I looked up at him to see if he was okay. Just as my head was fully up Justin's lips came crashing down on mine. They were warm and soft.

He puts his palm on my cheek and I immediately pulled away. Not because of the situation but because I heard someone. Turning around I saw Danielle and Michael.

My stomach dropped and I could hear Justin cursing the world away.

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