Chapter 13

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Justin's POV

I pulled to Sammie's house with Tally already in the car. I had been stressing since I woke up. All I could think about was what Sammie said about Tally and I 's relationship. I guess when I thought about it she was right. one minute I was ready to ruin Tally, but the next I was defending or befriending her. Which is why I thought of the plan.

The plan to be nice to Tally. I'd be nice to her and have her fall for me. I knew that Dustin liked her so that would be revenge against him too. Then when she was love struck I'd drop her and Dustin would want nothing to do with her.

"Why is she here?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Sammie slamming my door.

"You already know I have to watch over her until eight."

"Ugh that's on the weekends too."

"Yes." I watched as Sammie glared back at Tally with narrow eyes. So shaking my head I pulled off speeding to the mall.

The moment we pulled up I wanted to pull off and go home. But Sammie was already out of the car and at the entrance. Then when I looked for Tally I saw her standing at the door waving to someone. Turning my head I saw Dustin approaching her. They shared a hug and entered the building. Sighing I got out of the car and went in.

After an hour of shopping I was stuck in a boutique we'd been in five times with another dress to critique Sammie in. "Yeah it looks fine." I said just wanting to get out of here. I swear I was about to drift off when I heard a familiar voice. Turning my head I saw Tally and Dustin walk in. I watched them until my head was forcefully turned.

I was now facing Sammie. "Did you hear anything I just said?"

"Yeah of course."

"Oh really? Well what did I say?"

I froze and just stared at her.

"Exactly that's what I thought.? What were you even looking at?" Not letting me answer she looked around and she stopped on Tally and Dustin. "Of course see this is what I mean. It's either me or her." Then she went into the dressing room. After a quick change into her old clothes she stormed out of the boutique.

I sighed and looked back over at Tally. This was all her fault and now she's over there happy and my relationship was suffering. I figured the only way to handle this was to make her crash and burn. I walked over to her and Dustin. She was in a form fitting dress that was short in the front and had a train in the back.

"So what do you think?"She asked Dustin instead of letting him answer I intervened.

"You look amazing." Tally and Dustin both looked at me in shock and I could see a hint of a blush on Tally's cheeks.

"Do you really think so?"

"Of course I do it fits your body perfectly." Then before she could reply I walked away leaving her with an angered Dustin.

I walked around until I finally found Sammie sitting in the food court. She was eating a salad and drinking a diet pop. When I sat down across from her she looked up then looked back down at her salad. "Sammie I'm sorry."

"Do you like her or something?"

"No and I promise you this is going to change."

"Oh really, how?"

"Well I have this plan. A plan that will make Tally fall in love with me and leave Dustin alone and a loser." I saw a smile spread across her face. "So I need you to bear with me and any unusual things I may do."

She smiled and leaned across the table to give me a kiss.


The weekend of the dance had arrived and we were at Ryan's before party. Girls were comparing their dresses while guys took shots. I was keeping a close eye on Tally and Dustin. I knew that the happier he made her the happier I'd have to make her and by the looks of it, I had a challenge ahead of me.

Thanks to Tally being queen of the track team and her exclusive friendships with Danielle and Dustin she was pretty popular. I watched as her and Danielle took selfies and smiled broadly at people complementing their dresses.

"Lets go!" Screamed Ryan making everyone head for the door. It was time for the Fall Dance.

The music at the dance was better than I thought it'd be. That teachers were giving us more leeway than I'd expected. Of course Sammie took that as her invitation to grind on me and well, I wasn't complaining.

Hours passed and by the time the DJ announced the final song was coming I decided to find Tally. I was her ride home and I wanted to leave as soon as possible. "Hey wait for me I'll be back." I said to Sammie and she nodded in response.

As I walked through the crowd I spotted Dustin without Tally. "Hey where is she?" I asked him more forcefully than probably needed.

"Calm down she's in the bathroom. She going to text me when she's done."

"Text you for what?"

"The gym doors lock on the outside so I have to let her back in."

I shook my head and walked away. If something happened to her it was on my head. I exited the gym and bumped into a body. It was Tally. I nodded and attempted to catch the closing door but it slammed shut.

Tally shrugged and pulled out her phone. It was off and wouldn't turn on. It was dead.

I pulled my phone out and attempted to text and call Sammie but she wasn't replying. Then to my luck the last song came on and it was a slow song. Sammie was going to kill me.

I could see Tally get sad. "What were you planning on dancing with Dustin?" She nodded and I saw this as an opportunity. I walked up to her and took her hands. "Well you know we're out here alone and the music is loud and clear. Why don't we just dance?" Before she could resist I put her hands around my neck and mine on her hips.

Then we started to dance slowly. She didn't look up at me at first and I started to feel strange. Sort of like I liked it but I kept convincing myself it was just a plan. The. She looked up at me.

Tally's POV

Justin was holding my waist as we slow danced. I didn't know how to react. I tried to avoid eye contact but I felt the strong urge to look up. When I did we made brief eye contact and the music went off. I quickly pushed Justin away and started to walk away. People were going to be coming out and I didn't want to have to answer questions about what we were doing. especially when I didn't know myself.

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