Chapter 15

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Tally's POV

I walked across Danielle's yard and knocked on her door. Justin and I's relationship was confusing me and I needed to talk to someone I knew would understand. Or at least someone I hoped would understand. Then again it was her that got Justin released from doing his service so it was clear she wanted to have nothing to so with him.

"Coming!" I heard Danielle scream as she approached the door. I then quickly thought about how much I'd tell her. Then as I heard the lock on the door I came to the conclusion that I wouldn't tell her much. "Oh hey Tally."

I waved and gave her a smile. As she gestured for me to come on I did so and we headed up to her bedroom. When we reached the room I took a seat on her bed as usual. She sat beside me and looked into my eyes for a minute. "Something's wrong I cab tell."

I looked away and shrugged my shoulders. I didn't know if I wanted to describe it as wrong.

"So what happened to you at the game? I mean contribute you're  with us the next you're gone."

I figured this was the time to just come out and tell her. "I was with Justin." I signed. She looked from my hands then to me.

"Why his service is over. I mean what is going on?"

"Look. I know his service is over but I still think I want to be friends with him." I signed rapidly moving my hands.

"Tally listen to me. He does not care about you. I got him out of his service to help you. I mean besides he doesn't fit in our circle. Why do you want to ruin that."

"I just think he is changing and coming around."

"Tally I didn't want to have to tell you but, the real reason I got him out of doing his service was because I heard Sammie talking one day. Apparently Justin has this plan. He wants to lead you on and pull you away from Dustin. Then when you're falling hard for him he's going to humiliate you."

I felt my heart crash into my stomach. I shook my head so many times it should have fallen off. Then when there was nothing left to do I looked up at Danielle. With the strongest, most forceful hand motions I signed to her. "You're lying!" I didn't want to hear her side so I tried to get up quickly but it wasn't fast enough.

She grabbed my arm and looked me in my eyes. "Talasia Monroe I am not lying to you. We've been friends all our lives. I wouldn't do that."

I sat down and choked back the tears that burned my eyes. "But I confined in him. At the game I told him something I didn't even know myself." I weakly signed to her.

"Tally why would you do that?" I watched Danielle deflate onto her back. "I don't understand. I'm suppose to be your best friend and you don't tell me half the things you tell him."

I didn't know what to do at that point. So instead I got up. I signed her a good bye and walked out the door.

The walk home seemed like the longest I'd ever taken. I knew Justin hadn't liked me but something said he was changing. Either that or I was becoming more of an idiot. When I entered the house my day ended there. I didn't leave my room.


The next day at school I approached my locker. I had to admit it was weird not having Justin hover over my shoulder rushing me along. Or on the occasion inviting me somewhere. I shook those memories out of my head. I didn't even want to see Justin right now let alone think about him. If what Danielle told me was true he was really just like everyone else.

And I was naïve for thinking he'd be my friend. As I slammed my locker door shut I felt someone brush past my back. Turning around I saw it was Justin. he was already halfway down the hall now. Again I shook my head not wanting him to be on my mind. As usual I had first period with Mr. Mitchell. I sat in the back of the class today. As I began to take my things out of my giant purse I used as a book bag I noticed a small folded piece of paper that I hadn't put in there.

Taking it out I unfolded it.

'Meet me at the gym before practice today.' -Justin

I looked at the note for a while and shook my head. I as not going to meet him today or ever.

After school I walked straight to the girls locker room. I avoided Justin all day and if I was lucky I could continue to do so. Once changed into my practice shorts and jersey I walked out onto the track. Dustin found me and a smile spread across his face and in response I smiled back.

We stretched together and made small half conversation until the coach arrived. He blew his whistle loudly and we all stood alert, waiting for our directions. "I want everyone to jog three laps around the track. Do not run you are going to need your energy today."

We nodded and began jogging. As usual Dustin went a lot faster than your average paced jog, but I was a stickler for the rules so my pace was barely over a walk. Unfortunately that allowed a certain someone to catch up to me. "Tally?" I ignored Justin's frantic calling me until he pulled my arm so I was next to him.

"Tally I had asked you to meet me what happened?"

I shrugged avoiding making any eye contact with him.

"What's the matter? You were fine at the game."

I wanted to scream at him but I couldn't talk and waving my hands around in signs was no use because he wouldn't understand. So defeated I ran ahead leaving him behind.

After laps we circled around the coach. In the corner of my eye I could see Justin burning a hole in the side of my head. He was staring at me with so many expressions.

"Alright team. Today I will be appointing you your positions. Over the last few practices I have been able to evaluate you on all your abilities and I have come up with a way that I think we'll be able to win every race. As you know we have always had trouble in the relay for not having a strong enough anchor but I feel that's all going to change. Okay short distance runner is Brian Cadly. Long distance runner will be alternating between Justin Bieber and Danny Simmons."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Justin's expression deflate even more at his position. Although the coach continued.

"Hurdles will be alternating between Kim Kelly and Josh Anderson. Now lastly our Relay. Will be Anthony Timms, then Thomas Owens, next Dustin Erickson, and finally our anchor Talasia Monroe."

My stomach leaped at my position. He thought I could save this team. But when I glanced to Justin he looked even more disappointed.

After practice my leg felt like wet noodles. I limped out of the locker room and found Dustin waiting for me. I waved and smiled as I approached him.

"I was just seeing if you wanted a ride home?"

I nodded and followed him to his car. We were about to go to our separate sides when someone started screaming my name. I turned around and saw it was Justin. He ran up to me and Dustin then stopped to catch his breath. Once he was together he spoke.

"Tally what did I do? I don't understand why you're avoiding me."

I turned to Dustin and signed for him to translate. He nodded and I began sending him signs. "She said is Danielle telling the truth about your plan?"

I saw his face drain of all color. "Tally let men explain. See I will admit yes that was my original intension, but they've changed now."

I quickly signed to Dustin. "She said how could you?"

"Tally please I am truly sorry."

I just shook my head and got into Dustin's car. I was done with him at this point. He was officially nothing to me.

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