Chapter 8

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Justin's POV

When I returned home I spotted my mom in the kitchen. I didn't plan on stopping until she called me in. "Yes mom?"

"Who was that girl you were with? She didn't look like your girlfriend."

"What girlfriend?"

"You know that stuck up girl that used to always come over last year. Was it Sally? No. Sindy? No. Maybe she was Sydney?"


"Yeah her?"

I let out a loud breath and sat at the counter. "Mom Sammie and I broke up over the summer. Remember I wouldn't buy her that purse she wanted."

"Oh right she was very stuck up. Well anyway who is that girl you were with?"

"Her name is Tally. Mr. Mitchell ordered me community service. So now I'm like her permanent buddy for two semesters in and out of school."

"Ohhh that's the girl you left alone in the amusement park. I still can't believe you'd do something like that. poor thing. Well be nice to her and I mean it Justin."

I nodded my head and suddenly felt like a little kid who took a toy off of someone else.

When I got to my room I wanted nothing more but to go to sleep. Unfortunately that's not how things worked out. When I layed down all I could think about was Tally. I didn't get it. I didn't like her, I mean I was embarassed to be seen with her. Maybe I just felt sorry for her. Now that she was opening up to me she would become more of a burden.

But how was I suppose to tell her I don't want to hear anything about your personal life. Shaking my head I rolled over and managed to fall asleep.

On Sunday morning I woke up to the guys jumping on me. My friend Ryan and Christian were beside me on my bed. For a second I was about to ask about Chaz then I remembered what he did and how I handled it. Shaking the thought from my head I turned to Ryan and Christian.

"What do you want?"

"Well we came to see if you wanted to ditch community service and come hang out."

"I don't have community service today. And I'm tired." I rolled over but if I knew Ryan and Christian they weren't just going to give up. When I heard footsteps then my bedroom door open and close I finally drifted back off. Then within seconds my body was frozen. I was soaking wet and pissed. "What is wrong with you!"

"Get up we're leaving."

"No I'm tired and plus tomorrow I have school, track try outs, and community service."

"Exactly so you need to let loose today. I mean it has to be torture hanging out with the mute all day."

I wanted to tell them not to call Tally that but i didn't want to get caught defending her any more than I already had. She was now in my head again but this time just the times she annoyed me. I started to dislike her even more again and dreaded tomorrow coming. I had to clear my mind.  "So what did you want to do?" 

"Anything . We could go to Sammie's. She's having a party and we all know she wants to see you. Plus if that doesn't work there will be the rest of the cheerleaders."

I thought long and hard. Did I really want to see Sammie? I mean I liked her I guess but I didn't love her. I mean she was only good for one thing. The one thing. "Yeah I guess I could stop by. One night stands are getting old." 

Christian laughed then patted me on my back. "That's the spirit."

When it was nine o'clock I put on my old spice and exited the bathroom. "Let's go."

"It took you long enough." Rolling my eyes I walked past them.

We pulled up to Sammie's house in minutes and I suddenly dreaded coming. But sucking it up I got out of the car and walked through the door. Music vibrated my body and people walked by with red cups, and bodies were pressed close together. Judging by the size of the crowd I could tell Sammie's parents were out on a long business trip. As I walked further in I noticed Michael. It then made me think if Tally was able to stay home alone. Then catching myself I shook my head. I had to do something to get her off my mind.

Stepping into the kitchen I grabbed a cup and poured in punch and who knows what else was in there. Taking a quick sip I sat down at the counter.


My body tensed up as soon as I heard the all too familiar high pitched squeaky voice. Well here was my chance to forget about everything. Turning around I spotted Sammie. "Hey baby."

"Oh my goodness I'm so happy your here! I missed you so much. Dance with me!"

Before I could protest she pulled me up and into the living room. "I missed you Justy. I've been meaning to ask you about.....well us."

"Us? There's no us."

"Oh come on Justin I know you can't resist me. I'm the only girl for you. I mean cheerleader and star hockey player, could it be any more perfect?"

"Sammie all you cared about was the gifts I got you not me."

"But I promise I'll change please?" Again she acted before I could respond and pressed her lips against mine. Instead of resisting I brought her body closer.

Then the rest of the night was a blur.

The next morning I woke up to someone knocking on my door. I was about to get up when an arm held me down. Looking over I saw Sammie. Removing her hands I rushed down stairs. When I opened my door I got the sudden reminder it was Monday and then seeing the clock I saw I had to be at school in an hour. Returning my attention to the door I looked straight at Tally who was looking awkwardly at me.

Before I could ask her what was wrong I felt a breeze and realized all I was wearing was boxers. "Umm sorry." I stammered. "What..what did you want?"

She wrote on the dreaded white board that I wanted to knock from her hands every time I seen it then held it up. "I left my jacket. That and are you going to school?"

"Yes I'm going to school and wait here I'll get your jacket." I was about to rush off and grab her jacket when I crashed into Sammie.

"Ow. Justin what are you do..." Before she could finish she saw Tally. They made brief eye contact before Tally's face became blank. She appeared to have a moment of mixed emotions before she turned away and sprinted off. "What was she doing here? Don't tell me you're hooking up with the mute." Said Sammie nearly laughing.

"Community service." I said in confusion still trying to figure out why Tally ran off. What had gotten in to her?

Then I got a strange questionable thought about how her feelings may be towards me.

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