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Such a complicated thing, with such a simple ending. Its a cruel life, yet people fear death.

But the important things in life are not the beginning or the end, but the middle. All of the little sweet moments in betweeen the big catastrophes. Those are the important things. No matter how small or short they are, they are worth living for.

Dont know why but this girl is making me write this story. This is my first story. I don't know if she's gonna read this or not.

May be if she's in my destiny she'll definitely read this anyhow.

I'm Mike Erikson , a 21 year old dental studnt. I am from a middle class family. My life is simple yet very happy.

Four years ago i din't imagine that my life will be at this pace. When i was in school, i din't know what is love and what is friendship. I had a few mates from my class but at first we weren't thayt close. I'm kinda shy and I really need time to open up. I din't have that many gals as frnds. I am quite shy when its comes to talking to girls.

I am telling you all this just so that you all get a rough idea about my nature.

There's a saying "change is constant". But i din't know my life will change so much. So many friends came in and got out.

Some were close, some were 'so called' friends but whatever happned there has to be a reason.

My childhod passed without my mom when I needed her the most. I guess that's why i can't understand what love is. My mom was in another city for her work purpose. And I lived with my dad and my brother.

I am not saying that my life is bad. Everyone has their own share of problems in life and I'm not blaming anyone for it. But for me the fact is that that phase of my life has affected me so much that I can't describe. Sometimes I feel I'm the most unlucky person in this world.

But this is what life is all about. To try and fight against all the odds and find "reasons<3<3<3" to live life fully.


thanks for reading :)

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