"Was that love?"

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A few years down the line,

when I was in school I wasn't that popular like what I'm today in college.

During my 10th grade, I was having my tuitions with five friends at Molly's place.

At that age, we are so naìve and immature. We hardly know what is love. What it is to feel or care for someone.

We were five students in one batch which consisted of four boys and one girl.

I was a scholar in my batch. In my math class there was a rule that,

after teaching a couple of sums, sir would give us some sums to do on our own. And evrybody used to seek my help whenever they had any doubt.

Especially Molly. She was totally dependent on me. I hardly remember her not talking my help.

Weirdly I used to like it. I don't know why but before she would ask me for help I would always be there to help her out. Now when I think of it, it seems stupid but that's how teenage is.

In our weekly exam at her place,

Molly intentionally sat next to me to copy the paper. And I liked it that out of all the other boys, she sat next to me.

At that time there weren't any strong feelings but now now when I think about it, it feels so cute. But at the back of my mind I have a doubt that she was using me for her study purpose.

Days passed by. I was happy passing my tution time with her.. one day i was wearing a red tee ... And she liked red color too mch that she asked me for that tee and n i couldn't say no. And i gave it to her a day after. i was thinking that i am a special friend of her thats why she was asked for my tee.. n d bond we were sharing anyone could make out we were more than good friends..But when i saw another red tee in her room n had a rough idea that i had seen that tee somewhere..

And next day i got to know that that tee was of my other batchmate and i din't have any idea that this'll hhappen ... I felt so bad, felt jealous dont know why...

But after sometime i realised that she has her own life she has her others friends too..

"i am not the onlyone" :( :(


thanks for reading :)

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