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After all this happened I had a fear of rejection in my mind,But whatever happened I learnt a lot from it.

I appeared in my 10th exams and got good marks and then had to make one of the toughest decisions - which stream to choose? I had decided to leave my school and leave molly and took admission in a new school.I had my focus only on studies at that time.

2 years passed with lots of fun and some serious work too.I made so many new friends, had so many new experiences.But I had decided not to make any girl as my close friend because of my fear.

12 results got out and I scored well! I managed to secure admission in dentistry.I was hell excited but sad at the same time because I will miss my school life and that tuitions. But life goes on. There was a fresh beginning waiting for me...


Guys this is my first book and I am trying this for the very first time.

So short short parts, please ignore that.

Please ignore my grammer and slang writing

thanks for reading :)

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