Truth or Dare? (An Austin Mahone Fan Fiction)

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Lead Girl: Dani, Im what other people call "the class nerd" and my parents are very demanding so I have no other choice but to listen to them.

My Best Friend: Serena, she's always by my side shes been my best friend since the first grade.

We go to high school together and in that high school there's this "Crew" with no other than Austin Mahone, Alex Constancio, Robert Villanueva, Zach Dorsey, and Tyler Stanush. They're all kinda like douche bags and players, well except for Alex he's the only one with respect!

Ohh did I forget to mention? I take dance class and have to go there every day after school ..minus Fridays, but the only person that I told and knows that I go is Serena. If everyone knew then they would all show up at my dance recitals and that's exactly why I keep in on the down low, I'd just make a fool of myself on stage!

I'm kinda shy I don't really talk to boy's, they try talking to me but I try ignoring them because if I ever got another boy friend my dad would kill me and the guy. I've only had one boy friend, it was Sam Pottorff, the only reason why we broke up was because of my dad. One day Sam came over for dinner and I forgot to tell him he couldn't cuss and well it was just terrible! I still talk to him because we have a few classes together but it'll just be like a few sentences.

One day I got up for school just a normal day.. I get up to forth period for reading, we had just finished grading our benchmarks and I had the highest grade in class, which was a 100. We do this thing where we get paired up with study partners, depending on our grades. The best always gets paired up with the worse and so on. I always get paired up with complete idiots!

Everyone was in their seats waiting for the pieces of papers with names on them to be passed out. Only half of the class got papers and I wasn't one of them so I had to wait until my partner got me. All of a sudden I hear an annoying voice call out "Dani! Babe! You're my partner so come sit on my lap and come study with me!" I turned around to see him. It was one of the douche bags, none other then the lead douche, Austin Mahone.... Great just great! (Sarcastic)

End of intro

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