Chapter 4

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Austin: Bu-But you- you UHH STUPID CAT!
Me: Aww it's okay Romo he loves you very much! (I said while hugging him)
Dani's P.O.V.

It was time for the party so we took off.

When we arrived Serena was already there so I hung out with her. We walked around the place then outside and bumped into Sam, we all just hanged together throughout the party until Austin found me.

Austin: DANI DANI!(he shouted from a distance)
Me: WHAT? (I yelled back and he ran over to me)
Austin: I've been looking for you!
Me: Well I'm just here hanging out.
Austin: Well come hang out with me and the guys inside!
Me: Can Serena and Sam come?
Austin: Ummm... (He looked at Sam rudely) I guess.
Me: Okay let's go.

Austin led us into the living room. Alex, Sarah,Robert, Zach, and Tyler were already there.

We sat down on the floor in a circle.

Robert: Okay we're gonna play a game.
Zach: What game?
Robert: Truth or Dare seems like a good one... You guys down?

I looked around at everyone and they all said yes.

Alex: Dani is it okay with you?
Me: Umm... Sure..
Tyler: Okay everyone move around and trade spots!

I ended up sitting in between Sarah and Zach.

Robert: Who wants to go first?
Austin: ME!
Alex: Okay Truth or Dare?
Austin: Dare!
Tyler: Ummm I dare you to-
Me: I have a good dare for him!
Austin: No!
Zach: Say it!
Me: I dare you to... Tweet "Im gay" and leave it for 3 minutes before deleting it!
Alex: Austin you have to do it now!
Austin: No!
Me: Fine be a chicken.
Austin: Im not a chicken.
Me: Then tweet it.
Austin: I can't believe I'm doing this. (He said while pulling his phone out)

He typed it then tweeted it and handed us his phone to check.

While we were waiting for the three minutes to pass we went through his mentions and his fans were flipping out it was hilarious! We all started cracking up while Austin was watching us and pouting.

Me: Okay the three minutes are over! (I said while tossing Austin's phone back)
Sarah: Have fun explaining to your fans!
Austin: Ha Ha Ha! Now get back to your spots and give me a coke bottle to spin!

We all got back into a circle and Austin spun the bottle. It was coming to a stop, it was about to land on Zach but at the last second it stopped on me.... Oh god.

Austin: Dani! Truth or Dare!
Me: Truth!
Austin: Why truth are you scared of picking a dare?
Me: Me? What? Pssh no
Zach: Then pick dare.
Me: But I- oh alright, Dare.
Austin: Let me think for a bit!

What did I just get myself into?

Austin: Oh I got one! I dare you to...

He paused for a second to laugh and smile... That's not a good sign!

Austin: To kiss me.
Me: Y-You want me to k-kiss you?
Austin: It's a dare so you have to do it!
Me: C'mon give me something else to do!
Zach: Do it do it do it!

After that they all started saying that and then Austin walked over to me and sat down.

Austin: Im waiting!

I- I didn't know what to do at the moment... Austin just started leaning in closer and closer. At the moment our noises were brushing against each others. He then closed his eyes and then he-he crashed his lips on mine.. It wasn't just a peck it was a real kiss. It lasted for about four seconds only because I pulled away. He kept his face close to mine while looking into my eyes while I did the same. I couldn't get my words out. So many thoughts and emotions were going through my head so I started breathing deeply and by the time I knew it I just ran out of the room being able to grab Serena's arm and Sam followed us.

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