Chapter 5

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Tuesday Morning

Dani's P.O.V.

I woke up and decided that I would have to go to school and try to ignore Austin or else I would never get over him.

I did my morning routines and then took off to school with my mom.

When I walked into my first period class, which is art, a lot of people were staring at me. I always get nervous when that happens. I feel like everyone has at least one or more bad thing to say about me.

I took a seat at my table next to Serena. While I sat down I heard someone fake cough and say "whore" at the same time, that got some people laughing... Were they laughing at me? I was so lost. That was until the same girl walked up to me , her name was Kaylee. Some people called her "the popular girl" but me and Serena liked to refer to her as a basic bitch.

Kaylee: Oh hey Dani I think you dropped this paper!

She handed me a crumbled up paper while I gave her a confused look. I opened it up and it read "You're such a slut". Then she whispered into my ear and said "Stay away from Austin". Austin? Why would she say that? At this point I wanted to pull her hair out but I had to much anxiety to say a word to her so I just let her walk off.

Serena: Dani is everything okay?
Me: Um yeah everything fine.

But in reality nothing was fine at the moment.

Dani's P.O.V.

As the hours and classes passed I continuously got treated rudely by girls. In my pervious class I finally found out why and Kaylee was the one to explain:

Kaylee: I can't believe that Austin would date someone like you.
Me: What?
Kaylee: You heard me. So stay away from him.
Me: Yeah, I did but I'm confused- I'm not dating Austin?
Kaylee: Oh- I- Well, Then why did you kiss him on Friday?
Me: It was a dare- and how did that get out?
Kaylee: Everyone knows.
Me: Well now go and tell everyone that were not dating, I have no interest in him. You can have him.

With that said I walked out the door and to my next class, which was reading. I got to the class room and took my seat while Austin came in right after me.

Austin: Hey.

I ignored him.

Austin: Hey.

He repeated and I continued to ignore him.

Austin: You know you have to talk to me in order to do this work?
Me: Oh.

I said with no interest.

Austin: Whatever.

He said annoyed.

I thought it was funny and laughed a bit.

Austin: What's so funny?
Me: Your face.

I know, I know it sounds harsh but I couldn't help myself it just came out.

Austin: Do you think this is a game?
Me: I don't know, do I?
Austin: What?
Me: What?
Austin: Stop it
Me: Stop it
Austin: Austin will you go out with me?
Me: Austin- you're so conceited.

The guys were laughing at my last comment.

Robert: Damn Austin
Austin: Shut up

I continued to act up on Austin the whole class period and with that we didn't quite finish our work.

Dani's P.O.V.

The bell rang and I picked up my bag but I was stopped by Austin.

Austin: Wait.
Me: What?

I asked bluntly.

Austin: What do I have to do?
Me: For what?
Austin: What do I have to do that will make you go out with me?
Me: Just prove to me that you can be yourself around other people..... And MAYBE I'll consider going out with you.

Lunch Time

Dani's P.O.V.

Serena and I sat down at our usual table... But it was different. We were the only ones at that table.. Why?

Within minutes I figured why. 'The Crew' walked over to our table and took some seats around us.

Serena: Oh look faggot five has arrived.
Robert: Ha Ha Ha that was so funny Serena.
Serena: Thank you, I try.

Me: Go away.
Austin: No thanks beautiful.
Me: What?
Austin: You said for me to prove that I can be myself... You know sweet and nice.
Me: Yeah not for you to act like we're dating so please go back to your table.

They all ignored us and stayed. That's when a question popped into my head.... One that only Austin could answer.. So I asked him.

Me: Austin?
Austin: Yeah?
Me: Why do you like me?
Austin: What do you mean?
Me: There are so many other girls here.. Why me? I'm not the prettiest and I'm not even popular.
Austin: Why do you think I like you?

I sat still for a bit to think... Then I had some kind of an answer.

Me: I think the reason you like me is because... I'm one of the few girls that doesn't have interest in you, and probably the first who has turned you down.. All the other girls usually flirt back at you. What's going to happen if I start liking you? Am I just going to be a toy like every other girl you've dated? Maybe that's why I don't like you- you treat girls like dolls, and not in a good way. How should I know if you've really changed?

There was a long awkward silence.

Austin: I-
Me: Save it.

I grabbed Serena and we left.

Austin's P.O.V.

Dani made a good point but I wanted to be different with her. I guess the fact that she didn't like me back attracted me. But if she starts liking me back I would be more than happy. She's such a nice girl, she's a lot different than the other girls Id go for... I just want to be with her and I would make sure to treat her right.

At Home

Dani's P.O.V.

I got a text from Austin, it read:

Austin: My mom said that you can come over right now, since we didn't finish our work in class.

Do I really have to deal with him again? I didn't respond so he sent another message.

Austin: I'm fine with failing but it's up to you, it's getting pretty late.

Failing wasn't my thing so I had to give in.

Me: Fine but I'm just going so I don't fail.

I grabbed my bag and got off my bed then went to my mom to ask her if she could take me.

She said yes and we left.

Austin's P.O.V.

I sat in my bed room waiting for Dani to come.

Dani wants me to be nice... So what if I just be nice around her? I think I can pull this off.

Seconds later I heard the door bell ring and it was Dani.

Dani's P.O.V.

Months passed. Austin was actually sweet. He was being himself but when he asked me out I declined him.
"Why?" You ask? Because I didn't want to come between him and his fans. I put myself in their shoes and acted as if Austin was Justin. I still get hate to this day from his fans and we aren't even dating. I don't even want to know how it would be if we were. Plus Austin and his singing career are taking off and I don't want him to drop his dream down because of me.


Dani's P.O.V.

Those months added up to basically a year. It was summer time. I was now sixteen. I still danced and Austin never told anyone that I did. He had gotten pretty big over the year. He was coming back to Texas from being in Miami for a few months. I've heard rumours about him dating other girls. I'm guessing he just moved on so I tried to do the same.

Me and Sam were back together at the time. My dad and I talked it out and he forgave him.

Alex was throwing a "Welcome Home" party for Austin tomorrow and I was invited but I didn't know if it would be a good idea to go. Sure I missed Austin but we rarely talked over the phone let alone texted.

Alex now had a girlfriend that goes by the name of Sarah. Serena and I have become really good friends with her and she really wants us to go to the party so I was thinking really hard on wether to go or not.

The Next Day

Dani's P.O.V.

It was about nine am and I got up to get a bowl of cereal. I went back to my room and turned the tv on to watch my recordings of Teen Wolf, it was my favorite show at the time.

My phone started ringing so I looked at the screen to see that it was Sarah calling so I picked it up.

Me: Yes?
Sarah: You're coming to this party. Even if I have to drag you here.
Me: Why do you want me to go so bad?
Sarah: Because.
Me: Because why?

I then heard her call out "Alex come talk to her"

Alex: Dani?
Me: What?
Alex: Can you please come to the party?
Me: What's the point of going? I don't even talk to Austin anymore.
Alex: Because... Because.. Umm... Look if you go I'll pay you.
Me: You'd pay me to go to a party?
Alex: Yes.
Me: How much money are you talking?
Alex: Ten.
Me: Twenty.
Alex: Ten.
Me: Thirty.
Alex: Nine dollars.
Me: Thirty five dollars.
Alex: Five dollars.
Me: Okay twenty or I'm not going.
Alex: Fine.
Me: So it's a deal?
Alex: Uhh it's a deal.
Me: Okay but when I go over we need to shake on it.
Alex: Okay and Sarah is going to pick you up at twelve so be ready.
Me: Okay bye
Alex: Bye and you better come.

I hung up.

By now it was nine thirty. I thought of what I could wear... That's when it hit me. Alex just told me to go, he didn't say I had to get dressed up so all I did was straighten my hair a bit, put a little bit of makeup, and left my sweats and tank top on.

Dani's P.O.V.

The door bell rang and I went down to answer it knowing that it would be Sarah and Serena behind the door.

I oped it and they looked at me in shock.

Me: What? Is there a ghost behind me?
Sarah: What are you wearing?
Me: Clothes?
Sarah: No no no. You're not wearing that.
Me: Actually yes I am.
Sarah: No you're changing.
Me: But whyyy?
Sarah: Because I said so, now go back to your room and change.
Me: Uhhh

I groaned while stomping back to my room.

I took out white high waisted shorts, a high low shirt, black combat boots, and a braided black head band. The shirt had a tiger face on the front and back with a blue background.

After I got dressed I went up to the mirror and put my head band around my head. It set on my forehead.

I was done so I walked out of my room to see Serena and Sarah waiting for me.

Sarah: Thank you for changing.
Me: You're not welcome.

Dani's P.O.V.

When we got to Alex's house Sarah went around to the back to park her car. We got out and went to his backyard. There was so many people from school... I thought it was going to be small and with Austin's family but it was the exact opposite.

I ignored each and every person that tried to say "Hi" to me and I went straight inside and the girls followed me.

Serena: Where are you going?
Me: Away from people, hey Sarah where's Alex?
Sarah: He went to go get Austin from the airport.
Me: Oh

I continued walking until I found the living room. That's when I sat down and got on my phone. I got a bit tired so I rested my eyes for a bit but I guess I fell asleep while I was at it.

Dani's P.O.V.

I heard a voice calling out "Dani, Dani!" then I was being nudged so I tiredly opened my eyes to see Alex.

Alex: Wake up!
Me: What time is it?
Alex: 12:50pm! Now get up and go outside.
Me: No.
Alex: I payed you to come so go outside.
Me: I know you paid me to come, not to participate.
Alex: Fine ill pay you forty dollars if you get up.
Me: I'll get up if you pay me right now.

He took his wallet out and handed me the money.

Alex: Here now get up.
Me: Okay okay.

I walked outside and saw Serena sitting with Sarah at a table so I joined them.

Sarah: Look who decided to get up.
Me: Yeah yeah.

I said while pulling out some black raybans and putting them over my eyes.

A few minutes later Alex joined us at the table. He smiled at me then looked off to the distanced and mouthed something and then laughed.

I lifted one of my eyebrows in confusion.


In one of the upcoming chapters something is going to happen and Austin will fit his role better as a badboy! Okay what do you think is going to happen next? Leave a Comment and don't forget to Vote!

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