Chapter 2

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The Next Morning (Wednesday)

Dani's P.O.V.

I woke up to my phone alarm. I rolled over to my other side and pulled my pillow over my head. I hated waking up for school. I would stay in bed for about five more minutes then get up and check my phone. I had a couple of text messages, one of them was from some number that I didn't have saved in my contacts.

It read: "Good morning babe". I quickly texted back "Who is this?". With in a minute they responded "It's Austin!". How the heck did HE get my number because I would never give it to him personally! It was too early to deal with him so I just ignored him.

I rolled out of bed and took my dog outside and fed him then we went back inside. I went back to my room and picked out an outfit then traveled to the restroom to straighten my hair and do my makeup. When I finished my makeup I went to the kitchen and got a bowl of cereal then went back to my room and ate it in a rush then I changed into my clothes and then got in the car with my mom and we were off.

Passing Period

Dani's P.O.V.

I was walking to reading. My morning classes were okay... Only because I didn't have Austin in them.

I walked into the class right when the bell rang and sat at the same spot as yesterday. Austin was already there.

Austin: So did you enjoy my text message?

I had my arms crossed and I looked back up to Mrs.Bell that was teaching a lesson and ignored Austin.


When it got down to Austin doing his questions..he needed help, and I wasn't going to without an apology!

Austin: Hey Dani
Me: What?
Austin: Im kinda stuck on this question...
Me: Okay?

I looked around the class completely ignoring what Austin was clearly trying to ask.

Austin: Dani I'm asking if you can help me!
Me: I can....

Austin waited for me to help him.

Austin: Well?
Me: I said "I can" not that I would.
Austin: Why not?
Me: You know what you did yesterday! Ill only help if you apologize to me.
Austin: Babe, I'm not going to apologize for something that I enjoyed doing.
Me: Well then you can go ask the wall for help, and don't call me your "babe".
Austin: Fine I don't even need your help!
Me: Good!

I got on my phone to distract myself from wanting to help Austin.


Class was almost over and Austin still wasn't finished. A few minutes later the bell rang and Austin stood up and said "Im done! See I didn't need your help"!

Me: Good for you now go turn it in.

I walked out of class, glad that it was over.

The Next Day

Dani's P.O.V.

Today Mrs.Bell pulled Austin and I out of the class room, we weren't doing anything today besides watching a movie in that class.

Me: Whats wrong Mrs.Bell?

She pulled out a paper.

Mrs.Bell: Look at the grade.

I saw that it had a big "50" on it, I looked even closer and saw that it was the paper from yesterday that Austin and I were working on.

A fifty? Is she serious? A fifty? I've never gotten a fifty... EVER! I looked over to Austin and he didn't even seem to care.

Me: Umm.... Are you going to put that down in the grade book? (I asked quietly, nervous of what she was going to say)
Mrs.Bell: I could... But-
Me: But??
Mrs.Bell: But I won't, only if you and Austin correct it on your own time as in going to the library or going over to someone's house after school, whatever it is make sure it's on my desk by tomorrow when you have this class.
Me: Thank you, and we will!

She handed us the papers and we walked back into class. I looked at the answer sheets and noticed that only Austin's were all wrong. That's when I hit him on the back of the head.

Austin: Ouch!
Me: Thanks for almost bringing my grade down!
Austin: Me?
Me: Yes you! Look only your answers are wrong!
Austin: Well that wouldn't have happened if you just helped me!
Me: No! It wouldn't have happened if you wouldn't have been such a jerk to me the other day!
Austin: I wasn't-
Me: Just drop it and apologize because I'm not doing the corrections for you.
Austin: Well I'm not going to apologize!
Me: Apologize right now before I tell the teacher to pair you up with a dumb ass and you can completely fail this class.
Austin: Fine! Im sorry. (He mumbled the last part)
Me: What was that? I couldn't hear you.
Austin: Im sorry. (He said louder)
Me: For what?
Austin: For being a jerk to you.
Me: Apology accepted. Now was that so hard?
Austin: Very. So how are we going to do the corrections?
Me: Umm well..
Austin: You can come over to my house at five?
Me: I can't I have something going on at that time... What about after dinner?
Austin: Whats that something?
Me: Just something... So are you free after dinner? (I was NOT about to tell Austin about dance!)
Austin: Umm yeah.

By the time I knew it the bell rang.

Me: Okay... Text me your address?
Austin: Sure!
Me: Okay bye.

Now all that I was worrying about was how am I going to convince my dad to let me go over to Austin's?

After Dinner

Dani's P.O.V.

The time finally came down to me asking my dad to take me to Austin's.

Dad: You want me to WHAT?
Me: Im asking if you can please take me over to my friends house right now.
Dad: And your friend is a boy?
Me: Yea... But it's only for school wise! I didn't pick him to be my partner... Sorry
Dad: No, you can go ask your mom because I don't even want to see this boy.

Well that went great. Surprisingly when I asked my mom she quickly agreed and we got in her car and we were off.

Mom: Sweetie what's the address again?

I pulled my phone out and showed her.

Me: Here mom.
Mom: So who's your friend?
Me: He's not really a friend...
Mom: He's your boyfriend isn't he? Don't worry I won't tell da-
Me: BOYFRIEND? NO! Mom, I hate him! I can barley even call him a friend that's it.
Mom: Oh sorry... But if you hate him so much then why are you going to his hou-
Me: It's for school mom! It's for school.

When we pulled up to Austin's drive way I texted him "Im here". As soon as I looked up he was standing by the door.

Me: Bye mom.
Mom: Bye have fun-
Me: I won't so drop it please.
Mom: Okay okay bye.

I hopped out of the car and walked over to Austin who guided me in the house. When I walked in a saw a lady.... I'm guessing it was his mom... They had the same eye color. She said "Hi I'm Michele!"
Me: Hello I'm D-
Michele: Dani I know, Austin's been telling me a lot abou-
Austin: Okay mom you can go to your room now!
Me: No, I think you should let your mom finish.
Michele: Thank you, well it's just nice to finally meet Austin's girlfriend!
Me: Girlfriend ?
Austin: My mom doesn't know what she's tal-
Michele: Yeah, earlier Austin told me that you were going out.
Me: He did didn't he? Well just to let you AND Austin know, I'm not, nor will I ever go out with him. This is only for school... Sorry for the confusion.
Michele: Oh no it's okay I'm sorry for Austin lying! He's usually really sweet!
Me: Sweet? Austin sweet? Haha nice joke.
Michele: It wasn't a joke.

She gave Austin a stern look then left to her room.

Austin: So... That was a show haha

I rolled my eyes at him.

Me: You're such an idiot. Now where do you want to get to work?
Austin: Umm... Is my bed comfortable?
Me: Ew you perv! I'm talking about our reading assignment!

He laughed then spoke up again.

Austin: Is my living room okay?
Me: Yeah

I took a seat on a couch and placed my backpack on my legs and pulled out the papers. Austin quickly sat down next to me.

Me: Okay what do you not get about this?
Austin: everything... (he said quietly)
Me: Austin I can help you but I need to know what you're having trouble on.

He stayed quiet and played with his fingers trying not to make eye contact with me.

Me: Should I leave? Did I just waste my time coming over?
Austin: No, no, no stay. Look I just can't focus when I read... Like once I read a line I have to go back because my mind flows off somewhere else without even noticing.

While he was talking my eyes ran off to a room up stairs, the door was open. I saw a bunch of things all over the walls.

Austin: Are you even listening?
Me: Yeah, is that your room?

He looked to where I pointed.

Austin: Yeah... Do you want to go see it?
Me: Kind of.. Only if its okay with you.
Austin: Sure come on

I followed him up the stairs and then inside his room. While I was looking around I felt something furry touch my legs. I looked down to see a white cat.

Me: And who's this?

I said while picking up the cat.

Austin: Oh thats Romo
Me: He so cute!
Austin: That's what he make you think!
Me: C'mon just look at him! What did he do to you?
Austin: Well one time while I was doing an Austream he attacked me!
Me: Austream? What's an Austream?
Austin: Oh it's nothing just forget about it.
Me: Okay?

I continued to look around. His walls were full of posters, and not the ones you find in magazines... His had paragraphs... They looked like fa-

Austin: These are all my fan posters!

I read a few... They made him seem like a lifesaver and a inspiration, Austin? That just doesn't add up.

Me: Fan posters? How-
Austin: Its nothing.. Is that all you wanted to see?

Well he just closed me off.

Me: Yeah

We walked back down stairs.

Me: Do you have any problems reading those signs?
Austin: No?
Me: Why don't you try and act like the story is a fan sign? Here re-read the story

I handed him the papers and watched his eyes scamper on the paper. He finished then went to the questions.

He read the first question then went back to the story the circled an answer. I read over and it was Right... It was Right? Austin got a question right without my help? I held my excitement in and watched him answer then next questions. When he finished he handed the papers to me so I could check, he only got one wrong so I fixed it.

Austin: So... How did I do?
Me: You only got one wrong!
Austin: Wait what? It worked? Thank you Dani!

I smiled at how happy he was.

Me: Well I guess I should call my mo-
Austin: Wait!

He then shouted at his mom, who was in the kitchen at the time.

Austin: Mom bring the popcorn!

His mom shouted back "hold on its still in the microwave"!

Seconds later she brought it to Austin.

Me: Wait for what?
Austin: I was thinking since we finished really early.. You can stay for one movie?
Me: Austin a movie really? No! I need to get home.
Austin: Whats the rush? It's not like we have any homework from another class... It's Thursday, the teachers don't give out homework!
Me: No, I don't want to stay.
Austin: C'mon... We can watch 17again!

17again? That's my favorite movie how did he know?

Me: How did you know that was my favorite movie?
Austin: It is? I didn't know.. It's my favorite movie everyone knows that.. So you gonna stay? Please???
Michele: I can take you home if you stay... Ill even talk to your mom if you want...

Just one movie.... How bad was that?

Me: Um... Let me just run it though by my mom.

I texted her and told her that I would have to stay a little later than expected and that Austin's mom would take me home. She was completely fine as long as I was home no later than eleven.

Austin: So what did she say?
Me: Yes.
Austin: Yee! Come sit back down with me!
Me: Yee? Nice word dork.
Austin: Jealous because you can't think one of your own?
Me: Yes I'm so jealous that I can't think of a word to say so I can sound stupid!

I sat down and Michele turned all the lights off and took a seat on a big chair to the side of Austin, where as he got up and ran to his room and came back down with a sheet, hopped over the sofa and sat up and grabbed the popcorn.

He told me to scoot over but I didn't move a muscle so he moved all the way to me.

Austin: Thanks for moving for me! (he said sarcastically)

I looked at him and he was giving his mom mean looks.
Austin: Mom I thought you were going to your room?
Michele: I never said that
Austin: Oh

The movie started and Austin put the popcorn bowl between us so we could both get from it. I was really into the movie and while I was getting some popcorn my hand kinda got intwined with Austin's. I looked down into the bowl then up at Austin. Our eyes just met, I could see his eyes sparkling with the TV glare. His mouth slowly opened as if he was going to say something but nothing ever came out. The moment was just so different. I finally thought of something and that was moving my hand and getting some popcorn and throwing it at Austin's face. He just laughed and we got back to the movie. When we were done with the popcorn he put the bowl on the coffee table.

A few minutes later I got a bit cold so I crossed my arms and rubbed them with my hands. I think Austin noticed so he pulled some of his sheet over me and moved even closer, by now I could feel his skin on mine. A little while after I could feel one of his hands traveling... He keeps on making me think that he's sweet then does this crap. I figured if I just held his hand he would stop, and he did.


The movie ended and I just wanted to leave. I tried to get up but Austin had a really good grip on my hand.

Me: Let go of my hand.
Austin: Okay I just wanted to ask you something
Me: Okay? Ask me.

End of Chapter!!! What do you think Austin's going to ask Dani? Remember to VOTE and leave a COMMENT! I changed my user on here to AmeezysLove haha, You can talk to me on twitter @ AustinsGucciBag

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