Chapter 3

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Austin: Okay I just wanted to ask you something
Me: Okay? Ask me!

Dani's P.O.V.

Austin: Well um you know Robert right?
Me: Yup.
Austin: His birthday is tomorrow and his parents are letting him throw a huge house party...
Me: Okay?
Austin: and I was wondering if you wanted to go... You know like with me?
Me: With you? No, and I don't think my dad would let me.
Austin: Okay not like a date.. But you haven't even asked!
Me: I know my dad, he didn't even want me to come over here!
Austin: Well what if my mom talks to yours?
Me: You can try but I don't know what she's going to say.


Dani's P.O.V.

Michele had just pulled up to my drive way.

Me: Thanks for the ride home!
Michele: Anytime you're a really nice girl.
Austin: Mom get down and go talk to her mom about the party tomorrow!
Michele: Only if her mom is even awake.
Me: I can call her to come out, she goes to bed late.

I called my mom and she quickly came out and all of us got out if the car. Both of our moms introduced themselves then Michele started talking about the party.

Michele: So one of Austin's friends is having a birthday party tomorrow and he wanted Dani to go. I can take her home with Austin after school and drop her off when the party is over. So would you be willing to let her come along?
My Mom: Oh that sound fun! Sure she can go.

They continued to talk. Then Austin started talking to me.

Austin: You're so falling for me.
Me: Excuse me?
Austin: I know you're starting to have a crush on me.
Me: Starting? Umm no.
Austin: Then why did you hold my hand during the movie?
Me: You know exactly why.
Austin: Yeah, because you like me.
Me: No I do not so just drop it.

Me like Austin? Please he's a jerk! After he said that I walked away so I could go inside.

Austin: Wait!

He pulled me back by my arm and kissed my cheek. What was that? He then whispered into my ear.

Austin: I'm gonna make you like me.

Ewww no no no! I will never "like" him. I pushed him away and walked towards my mom.

Austin: See you tomorrow! (He said with a wink)

My Mom: Well it was nice meeting you!
Michele: And it was nice meeting you too! Austin come over here and introduce yourself! (she shouted the last part)

He walked over to us.

Austin: Hi Dani's mom! I'm Austin, and thank you for giving Dani permission to go to the party.
My Mom: You're welcome! Have a nice night!
Michele: You too.


Before I went to my room my mom told me to tell Michele that I had to be home by eleven.

While I was trying to fall asleep I couldn't get what Austin told me "Im gonna make you like me" out of my head. After hearing him say that I didn't even want to go to school tomorrow let alone go to the stupid party. I can't stress enough on how much I DON'T have a crush on him. The only way I would be going to the party was if Serena and her brother were going.

At Lunch The Next Day (dec. 15th)

Dani's P.O.V.

Serena and I had just gotten our lunch and we went to go sit down at our table. As soon as we got our seats Austin and his dumb friends came over to us. They made everyone else move to another table and took their seats.

Serena: What are you guys doing here?
Robert: Looking sexy... And you?
Me: That's not what she meant you idiot.
Zach: Hey watch that tone unless you no longer want to go to the party.
Serena: What party?
Alex: Dani didn't tell you?
Me: Because I was going to tell her right now but you guys interrupted!
Serena: Oh okay so what party?
Me: Umm... Roberts having party tonight and Austin invited me... So I was wondering if your brother could take you.
Serena: What time?
Robert: It starts at seven
Serena: Wait!
Me: What?
Serena: Your parents are actually going to let you go?
Austin: My mom talked to hers and she said it was fine.
Me: Serena ill only go if you go!
Austin: So you wouldn't go if she doesn't?
Me: That's right!
Serena: Ill ask my brother after school.
Me: No text him right now!
Serena: Why?
Me: Austin's mom is taking me right after school.
Serena: But don't you have da-
Me: Sh! I don't have to go on Fridays remember? (I whispered into her ear)
Tyler: What was that?
Me: Nothing! (I said with a smile)

Me: So umm... Oh Happy birthday Robert! (I said, trying to change the subject)
Robert: Thanks?

We continued to talk but Serena and I kept getting mean looks from the other girls sitting and walking around us. I tried my best to ignore them.

At Austin's House

Dani's P.O.V.

Serena's brother agreed to going to the party tonight.

I was sitting on Austin's bed while he was on his computer chair and we were just talking.

Me: So explain to me about yourself.
Austin: What?
Me: What are these fan posters and Austreams all about?
Austin: Ill tell you if you explain yourself to me.
Me: What do you mean?
Austin: Where do you go after school? I've seen your car drive like you're going to the mall and your house is the other way.
Me: I don't go anywhere?

Did he know I go to dance or was he just curious?

Austin: Yeah you do! Why couldn't you go to my house right at five? And why did you cut Serena off at lunch?
Me: I- I

What was I suppose to say? He basically caught me.. Should I lie and say I'm doing something else? I'm too scared to tell him what I really do.. What if when I tell him, he tells his friends and then they tell everyone..

Austin: Spill it!
Me: If I were to tell you, would you promise not to tell anyone?
Austin: Sure?
Me: Im dead serious! Serena and my family are the only ones that know about it!
Austin: Okay I promise!
Me: No! You have to pinky promise!
Austin: Or we can kiss promise?

After those words came out of his mouth I threw a pillow at his face.

Austin: Im kidding, I'm kidding!
Austin: And?
Me: You have to tell me about you!
Austin: Fine but then YOU have to pinky promise not to tell anyone!
Me: Deal.

He came over to me and I swung my pinky around his.

Austin: Okay now tell me!
Me: Wait you have to cover up Romo's ears I don't want him to tell his cat friends! (I said while laughing)
Austin: Shut up!
Me: No problem!
Austin: You know what I meant! Now tell meeeee! (He whined)
Me: Okay, Okay! Well after school I go help out with Girl Scouts.

I don't know why I said that I just couldn't get what I wanted to say out!

Austin: You help out with Girl Scouts? (He said while laughing)
Me: It's not funny! Now it's your turn to spill!
Austin: Okay umm.... I sing.
Me: You? You sing? But what does that have to do with anything?
Austin: Hold on. (he said while pulling out his phone)

Austin: Whats your twitter name?
Me: Its @bie- wait no no sorry it's @ Dani underscore B-R-O-O-K-K-S (@Dani_Brookks)

I almost gave out my fan account!

Austin: I found you!
Me: What does this have to do with anything?
Austin: Just wait, take your phone out!
Me: It's out!

I waited for a few more seconds then my phone started lighting up like a Christmas tree!

Me: Whats going on?
Austin: Check out your notifications!

I got on twitter and all these girls were tweeting me and following me and they all had "@AustinMahone" tagged in the tweets, I'm guessing that was Austin so I clicked on his user. He had just followed me and tweeted me "@Dani_Brookks Hey babe".

Me: Hey babe? Really?
Austin: Well at least check out my account.
Me: How do you have so many followers?
Austin: I post my covers of songs on YouTube!
Me: And what are "Mahomies" ?
Austin: My fans!
Me: Well they think we're dating because of your dumb tweet.
Austin: Im okay with that!
Me: Delete it or tell them we're not!
Austin: Okay! Hey can you go get me some water?
Me: You want me-
Austin: Please?
Me: Only if you sing for me right now so I can see what the buzz is about!
Austin: Fine! What you want me to sing?
Me: Ummm I don't know... Sing some JB!
Austin: Let me just get my guitar!

He then started playing then he started singing: "How many "I told you"s and "Start over"s and shoulders have you cried on before?
How many promises? Be honest girl
How many tears you let hit the floor?
How many bags you packed
Just to take them back?
Tell me that how many either "or"s?
But no more if you let me inside of your world
There'll be one less lonely girl"

His voice was just so... so perfect.. He was looking straight into my eyes I don't know what came over me he just looked so perfe- no! It's Austin.

Austin: Okay now I would like that water.
Me: C-Ca-Coming right up.

As I was backing up I tripped over my own foot.

Austin: Oh my gosh are you okay?
Me: Yeah I just tripped! Now for that water!

Austin's P.O.V.

While Dani went to go get me water I put up Ustream because well it was Friday.

Me: Hey guys its Fridayyy!

I then looked closer to my screen to read what people were saying and all of them said "Are you dating Dani?" Well I kinda didn't delete the tweet so more and more people started asking.

Me: Hey guys guess what?...

I paused for a few seconds.

Me: My girlfriend is here, she's getting me water you'll see her in a bit-
Dani: Here's-

I didn't hear her on the way back so I fell out of my chair because she scared me.

Dani: Austin!
Me: Im fine I'm fine I just didn't hear you come in.

She came over and helped me up.

Dani: So what were you up to?
Me: Just setting up my Ustream! Say hi!
Dani: Hey everyone! Whoa what's that? (She said while pointing to the chat)

Then she looked closer to read them.

Dani: That's funny they're all saying "Your girlfriend is pretty".
Austin: Ha Ha yeah that's funny!

I pulled her out of the screen so she could stop reading.

Dani: Wait... (She said while taking her phone out) You didn't delete that tweet!
Me: I didn't? I thought I did!
Dani: And your fans are telling me that you confirmed that I'm your girlfriend.
Me: Oh that's crazy Ha Ha-

I quickly ran out of my room and she chased me.


By the time I knew it I tuned around and ran into her, I fell right on top of her.

Dani: Ouch!

Dani's P.O.V.

Austin: Sa-Sorry

He said while looking into my eyes again. We were both out of breath. Breathing heavily trying to catch them.

I was never this close to him. His eyes were the only thing in my sight. They were green with a bunch of other colors surrounding that color.

Austin's P.O.V.

Her eyes were all different types of blue. They were just amazing just to look at I couldn't stop but stare.

Dani broke the silence by giggling it was cute.

Me: I think we should get up because I'm still streaming.
Dani: It would help if you got off me first.
Me: Right.

Dani's P.O.V.

We got up and went back to Austin's room and he sat back on his chair and I sat back on his bed.

Austin: Sorry for that, let me clear things up. I AM single, Dani is NOT my girl... Well I would like her to be but I know that's not gonna happen so yeah.

After Austin sang to me... I don't know I kinda looked at him differently... It's just weird.

Austin: Today is Roberts birthday so remember to tweet him! Ummm later on I'm going to his party... It's gonna be crazy you know we're gonna get that weed and beer-

He then started cracking up.

Austin: JUST KIDDING! No I don't drink or do weed! I'm a good boy!
Me: You? You think of yourself as a good boy?

As I said that I stood up and walked over to Austin and the laptop.

Me: Austin is a terrible student, he rarely does his homework, he shows up late to class, he gets detention, he doesn't listen to his teachers, in fact he back talks to some of them and he's just terrible!
Austin: Don't believe her she's lying! (He said while laughing)

Then he got all up into the camera and whispered "She's a goody-goody".

Me: I heard that!


Austin continued talking and it was just getting closer to leaving so I decided to change, I just brought a dress and shoes in my backpack. I got up and walked towards Austin's restroom.

Austin: Where are you going?
Me: Im just going to change...
Austin: Oh okay but don't bother trying to lock the door.. It's it's Umm it's broken yeah it's broken!
Me: Shut up! (I said while slamming the door shut)

When I locked the door it worked Austin was just being a perv!

I changed into a black dress, it had a black slip and then a lace layer on top with sleeves up to my elbows. It was pretty short for my taste but I was going to a party and that was already out of my element. Then for my shoes I put on some all black combat boots.

While I was putting on my shoes I heard Austin singing. So when I finished putting them on I ran out so I could hear him clearly.

When I walked out he looked at me then stopped.

Me: Why'd you stop?
Austin: You-You look-
Me: I look what?
Austin: Ho- Cute! Cute, you look cute!
Me: Thanks?

Austin: Well it's about time to end this Ustream... I love you all have a great weekend bye!

After that he got up and went to his closet.

Austin: So Serena and her-

I was freaking out because he had just took his shirt off.

Austin: Im changing?
Me: Well let me get out of the room!
Austin: Sorry I didn't think it would have been such a big deal!
Me: Yeah because getting half naked in front of a girl who barley even knows you is 100% normal!

With that I walked out and closed the door. I heard Romo across the hall so I went to go get him. When I found him I picked him up and walked down to the living room. I just sat down with Romo on the side of me and my phone in my hands.

Minutes later Austin came looking for me.

Austin: Daniiii
Me: What?
Austin: Oh there you are!...and you're with Romo
Me: What are you jealous?
Austin: Psshhh me jealous of a cat?
Me: Oh okay so it wouldn't bug you if I kissed Romo's forehead? (I said while giving Romo a kiss)

Austin just stood there with his mouth open.

Austin: Bu-But you- you UHH STUPID CAT!
Me: Aww it's okay Romo he loves you very much! (I said while hugging him)

End of Chapter! Okay I know this is a kinda awkward part to leave off on but the next chapter is the party so I will be posting it next week! Don't forget to VOTE and leave a COMMENT! Lets try for 20 Comments! And if you're going to tweet about the story use the hash tag #TruthOrDareff and ill try to reply and RT your tweets!

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