Chapter 5

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"Writing with a chaotic mind is like drowning, swimming to the surface and letting yourself fall back into the swirling sea's of your pasts sorry eyes," - C.J.A.B.

- Violet pov -

I WALKED AROUND the park through the rain that soothed me, reminding me that I was actually alive.
I wish I wasn't.
I know it's selfish, but what do I really have to live for? Do I have a purpose?
Is there even a purpose to life?
I bit my lip, overthinking. There must be. If there was no purpose to creating people, and putting them through so much misery, God would be a cruel mistress. Who says God's a man?
I walked my way towards the road out of the park, still pondering over things that I wasn't supposed to figure out.
No human was supposed to figure it out. I guess unless God falls down the sky and goes all explanitory on us like "Chill guys, it's all very simple," I'll never find out.
Is it supposed to go like this?
There was no doubt god existed, to me. But I always felt alone.
My mom, she was a genius. Her mind went places nobody elses could, making her insane.
How are you supposed to live life, with nobody understanding your thoughts and emotions?
You don't, you go mental.
I think about her a lot, I truly do.
How she used to be. How we used to be. I missed it. I miss her.
I found myself swooned over my own thoughts and knocked myself out of it.
You don't have time to think about these matters, Val.
Tests tomorrow, your period is coming. You need to get chocolate. And tampons.
I made myself a to-do list in my head going back to reality with an intense groan coming from the depths of my stomach.
Oh boy, did I despise living like a normal person. Being pushed into things that make you unhappy, knowing it's what's best for you. But all you want to do is crawl in a hole and try to figure out what got you to who you are and what the world is.
"Violet!?" I heard a familiar voice but couldn't place it as bright headlights flashed into my eyes blinding me for what seemed like ages until I got pushed away, still not processing what just happened.
I saw the lean figure get hit, flying over the huge car.
Shit. I hadn't noticed that I was crying until the warmth of my tears awoke my cold skin.
"Hey, hey! Are you okay!" A man stepped out of the vehicle, as panicked as I was.
I pointed to the boy that was currently laying on the street probably behind the car as he was out of my vision.
I stood up wobbly, feeling guilty as hell. If I hadn't been daydreaming this wouldn't have happened.
Then it got through to me.
He knew my name. Crap, I knew him.
I walked over there in a hurry, feeling numbness spread in my fingertips when I saw who it was.
I saw him trying to move his head, groaning loudly.
"Fucking morron," He cursed, barely audible.
Yep, that was Luke.
"Call an ambulance, please!" I yelled involuntarily at the man and ignored Luke's comment.
I know I'm a morron, you don't have to remind me.
Well, I ignored it outside of my mind. I wasn't about to get in an argument with someone who was half dying, even if it was Luke.

- Luke pov -

I walked through the pouring rain on my way to Cal's as I saw a girl walking towards the middle of the road with a car coming towards her in great speed.
Great. I watched her cross and ran as fast as I could until I noticed something.
Calum and Joy would be devastated if anything happened to her. So many people would.
"Violet!?" I tried to scream for her attention, but failed. What was she even doing?
I ran over as fast as I could and pushed her out of the way before she got hit by that train of a car. Not even seconds later my body hit the car, every muscle in my body pulled together, bringing an intense crap throughout my whole body as I saw my scenery fly. Then realized I was flying over the car.
Once my body hit the cold stone ground I groaned in pain, seeing two people hovering over me.
"Luke?" Vio's face looked scared, even worried.
"Fucking morron," I cursed at myself as she yelled for an amulance.
"I know," She sighed and her fingers -that were freezing- ran over my face and stopped when her tears started spilling for whatever reason it might be.
You got rid of me, bitch. Why the fuck are you crying.
"Not you, me," I whimpered as she looked at me confused, tears still streaming.
"L-luke! Don't close your eyes, stay with me, stay with me!" Her last words faded as one warm tear that fell from her face briefly heated my cold skin.
And that was the last thing I felt before closing my eyes.
Jk Haha, this is just the start.
Damn how Luke die.. Oops spoiler. (Not)
Vomment pls (: it makes my day!

Lots of love,

Me. x

- Violet - 5SOS/AU.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora