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Niall's POV

"Hey Niall! The windshield is dirty and Paul isn't here to take care of it."

I groaned and rolled off the couch.
"Get Liam to do it!" I whined and rubbed my sore head. Maybe I shouldn't have gone to that party last night, my head was killing me.

Louis sighed. "Just go do it." He exclaimed and threw a windshield wiper at me. I gave him the finger as he walked out of the room. Just because he's the oldest in the band doesn't mean he get to boss everyone around.

I let out another loud groan and kicked the blanket off my feet. "If you stop whining I'll get you a frappuccino later." Harry yelled from somewhere on the bus.

I jumped to my feet and pulled on some combat boots that were laying nearby. "Ok ok! I'm going!" I yelled, my voice going a few octaves higher.

I heard Louis laughing at me before I hopped off the bus and got to work.


"Excuse me sir!" Someone called from behind me. I turned so fast, I almost whacked the man in the face with wiper.

"Oh I'm sorry!" I exclaimed and immediately dropped the object in my hand.

"It's okay don't worry about it!" He panted and stuck his hand out for me to shake which I gladly took.

"My name is John Felton. I recently finished building my time machine and I was wondering if you would want to try it out?" He said, giving me a warm smile.

It's probably a hoax anyway so, what do I have to loose besides 5 min? "Sure! Why not?" I asked and followed him to wherever he was leading me.

If Harry or Louis were here right now, they'd call me a complete idiot for actually agreeing but, I kinda actually want to try it, even though this whole thing sounds kinda sketchy.


"Here we are!" John said, stopping in front of a large box with a door cut out.

I raised an eyebrow at the pathetic sight before me. Honestly, I expected it to be way cooler looking, like a phone box for example! But then again, this guy's isn't Doctor Who.

"Well, go on. Don't be shy!" John said, giving me a small shove forward.

Just looking at it gave me an uneasy feeling and I didn't know why.

"It's a piece of cardboard Niall. Don't be dumb." I kept on repeating in my head.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and pushed open the door to the box. It immediately closed behind me.

"Think of a time you want to go to then, touch the red button on the wall and wait 5 seconds!" John called from somewhere on the other side.

I pondered for a solid minute, trying to figure out if I wanted to go to the past or the future. In the end, I decided on the past.

I made my mind up on where I wanted to go and touched the red circle that was coloured onto the wall next to me.

I closed my eyes and deeply breathed in and out.

Slowly, I started feeling nauseous. My head started spinning and I felt like I was going to throw up.

"Is it working?" I yelled to John, who should still be outside. He didn't answer me so I took that as a no.

I slowly stood up, trying to regain my strength.

Taking one more deep breath, I pushed open the cardboard door.

I expected the smell of pollution, cigarettes to fill my nose but instead, a crisp, fresh scent of a forest hit my nose, making my eyes shoot open.

Trees. That's all I could see, besides the odd bush or two.

"What are you doing here?!"

I hit the ground and army crawled towards a nearby bush.

I whimpered as I tucked my knees up to my chest.

"Your on Celtic grounds you bloody bloke! Go back to your anglo-saxon scum!"

That voice! It sounded way too familiar.

I hesitantly looked up.

There stood two of my best mates.

Calum Hood and Louis Tomlinson.

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