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Louis's POV

"Aye, get your bloody hands off of me!" Louis yelled as Michael lugged him back to their camping site. Apparently, he caught the little bugger in the bushes (what a convenient place to hide), checking out the capital Celtic town. Michael had to drag his bloody arse back before one of the Celts could go after them, since Louis was careless enough to be hiding around the bushes at a well guarded area. What he didn't know, is that Michael had made a split second eye contact with one of his ex best lad, who's a half Celtic and half of his culture. Calum. Their fallout is a bit complicated, to put it that way.

"Well if you say so." Michael shrugged and released him, sending his mate to tumble down onto the earth, his face meeting a man's pair of bulky boots. Louis's head craned up to meet a pair of eyes that belonged to a person he knew all too well— Harry. Harry was gesith, a noble warrior. He'd serve the king and has a landloan, so if he died the land would return back to the king.

The rest of them are ranked bellow him-- the Thegns. they were also warriors but Harry has a higher heigharchy status than them so therefore, he had more control over them.

Harry frowned. "What did I say about sneaking around to the Celts' land?" demanded Harry as he had his arms crossed, looking at him in disapproval.

Once Louis was back on his feet, he gave him a nonchalant shrug and replied, "That it's dangerous and that they'll kill us if they found out that we're here on their land."
Harry cocked his eyebrow at him. "And why did you disobey me when I clearly say you can't go?"

He smirked. "Because I felt like it."

Harry shook his head. "Well, at least you're lucky that you escaped." He pat his best friend hard in the back, still angry at the thought that he could've lost his best friend over his reckless action. "I'm feeling a bit quenched, and I'm sure you do too, so let's meet up with Luke at the tavern. I think I need a pint or two." Louis smiled and shook his head at his somewhat alcoholic friend. Louis knew the pressure of being a gesith is and how Harry would take the worry away by the drinking. Besides, money is on his side so he didn't have to think much about wasting his coins.

"Good to see you in a good shape," acknowledged Luke who took a sip from his stale beer. He grimaced at the taste of the putrid substance in his mouth and set his goblet down.

Louis gave him a cheeky smile and sat down on the barstool. "Well, if you knew that the Celts were preparing to go against us since our arrival wasn't exactly subtle, then you wouldn't have given me a hard time."

"What?!" said the others in belief, spitting out their beer. That earned them a glare by the scruffy bartender.

Louis shrugged. "I told you I had my suspicions when I left to watch over them," replied Louis who turned down a beer that was handed over to him. The bartender grunted before passing it on to another. "I mean it was pretty obvious, since they weren't resisting when we took over this secluded town."

Harry nodded. "I suppose there was something odd about that," he mumbled. "Well I suppose we should get our units ready. Louis, Michael, you're in charge of getting the inside news on the Celts and when the war is starting. The rest of us will train the others even harder than before. We don't know what the Druids are exactly capable of." The three men nodded before delving into their plan for the upcoming battle.

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