The New Kid

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Cas nervously opened the class door. As soon as he did, he heard words being spat in his face.
"You're late."
Cas shook a little as he tried to explain.
"But I-"
"I don't take excuses. Not here. So, if you think you can get away wit being a lazy little kid, no. Not in this class."
Cas turned away and stumbled over to the only free desk. He pulled the chair away and tried to sit down, but the chair wasn't there. He fell down hard. "Ow!"
He could hear laughing and the scrape of a chair against tile. It was the boy next to him. Cas looked him up and down. He was big and muscular, and definitely taller than Cas. He looked very angry.
"Say you're sorry." He hissed.
"No." The boy who had taken his chair replied.
"SIT DOWN BOYS!" The teacher squawked. They did as yet were told.
"Sorry about them. They're dicks. I'm Dean." He held out his hand. Cas shook it. "I'm Castiel. But... You can call me Cas. I'm new."
"I noticed." he said. He suddenly realized that they were still grasping each other's hands and they both turned bright red and let go.
After class, they were walking to their lockers. Cas was fiddling with his lock.
"Need some help?" It was Dean. Cas didn't want to admit it, but he did need help. "Yeah."
Dean reset the lock and turned away so Cas could put in his password. "Thanks." Cas said when he was finished. He reached for his gym clothes, only to realize that he was too short. He turned to get Dean, but he couldn't find him. "Dean?"
The voice by Cas' ear scared him so much that he screamed. Dean laughed. "Here." He offered, and fetched them for him. "I have gym too. Come on."

Hey guys! If you're reading this, thank you so much! I understand that it's pretty boring ATM, but it'll get better!
Also, yes. In this they are very young
And I don't live in America so if I use different words, don't make fun.
-Ashton 👻

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