Chapter 1

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Hola peoples!! This is my first Wattpad story!! Please feel free to comment and stuff no hate please even though I will ignore. Hook me up with some reads and yeah. Hope you enjoy my Maze Runner fanfiction!


*Heavy Gasp* I woke up, startled. I'm disoriented. I can't remember anything.....not even my name. "Martha," I whisper to myself just answering my question. I noticed I was moving up like in and elevator. I stood up trembling. I walked a few steps and figured I was like in a box, a moving box. I tart screaming, "HELP!! ANYONE! PLEASE!" Suddenly it stopped. There was a red light going on and off with a huge sound and then it turned green and stopped. Something opened and I saw light.

I hear murmurs on top. People! I thought but I didn't let my hopes get too high. Someone opened the box and the murmurs stopped. "I think it's a girl," someone said, probably from a boy. I stood up, still blind from the bright light. Someone jumped in the box, a somewhat tall, muscular boy that looked so strong he could squeeze me to death. I got scared, fell backwards and crawled to the farthest corner, away from him. He went closer, squat own, and his face was inches from mine. His face was dirty but you can still see the white from it. He was a dirty blonde and he touched my face with his hand. "Don't worry Greenie, you'll be find her in the Glade."

I heard someone else jump in and got the boy from the back of his shirt collar and dropped him. "Get back up there, Gally, you're scaring the poor shuck." The boy, or Gally, went back up and the boy that sent him up squat down a few feet in front of me. He was a dark-skinned boy with barely any hair. He said, "Don't be scared little one, ignore that shank. What's your name?" I hesitated to answer, which took a while. "Look to start things off, I'm Alby, the leader of the Glade," he said. I hear a voice, a man's voice but in my head....Marty. "Ma---Marty?" I look at Alby, confused but he nods. "I---I---I don't---don't remember anything." "It's normal, everyone here came up the Box not remembering anything." When he aid the last word, he stretched out his hand. "Come on up." Again hesitating, I grabbed his hand shaking. Not just my hands, my everything. I was so much in panic that I fainted.

I sluggishly opened my eyes as I woke up on an undersized but comfy mattress. It would've been quite peaceful if it wasn't for the hushed whispers echoing throughout the room. I strained to recall how I got there when I remembered waking up in a small metal box like thing and looking up to see a bunch of boys around my age staring down at me all saying that I was a girl; well that's nice to know at least. I realized I really still had no clue where I was. I could somewhat distinguish one person ushering the rest out of the room after someonE stated that I was waking up. As soon as my eyes adjusted to the dim light of the room I saw a guy sitting at the end of my bed and all of a sudden I panicked. I shot up and started crawling back until my back hot the wall behind me. "W-who are you? Where am I...wh-wha-wher?" I stuttered hurriedly, my voice becoming more and more panic with every word I pronounced. "Hey calm down," the boy spoke as he reached out to place a reassuring hand on my shoulder yet I flinched at his touch, scare that he was responsible for whatever was going on. "I'm not goin' to hurt you," he reassured calmly retracting his hand slowly. It was so strange, for the first time since I'd been there I actually felt myself relaxing at some extant as if I had acclimated to his presence.

I sat there gazing at him as I tried to control my deep ragged breaths. His British accent feeling like a god was speaking. I then noticed how truly stunning he was. His windswept blonde hair hung slightly in front of his gorgeous eyes which were locked on me as if he were studying me as well. Those eyes though! Those beautiful, striking, deep brown eyes which I would be happy to just get lost in at any minu- Woah hold up, I thought as I broke myself out if my love-struck daze. I just met this guy and he could be my potential kidnapper and here I am drooling all over him.

Once again my contemplations were interrupted when the boy extending his hand towards me, a slight smirk playing on his lips as he stated, "The name's Newt." I blushed as I grasped his hand and shook it slightly and utter in a small voice the only thing I could remember about myself, "Marty." Our hands separated and his smile only grew as he stood up. "Well Marty, you should probably get some more sleep before we introduce ya to the rest of the Gladers. Don't want you faintin' on us again, do we?" I shook my head lazily , not really knowing what he meant but agreeing with him nevertheless again his accent melting me away. My eyes once again fluttered closed after observing his figure walk out the room. Only one thing was on my mind in that moment as I plummeted into the realm of unconsciousness....Newt.


Wow okay hope you guys can't wait for chapter 2....might upload the cast members later this week but can't decide who to play okay yea!

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