Chapter 10

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He drops me to the ground and he looks terrible, eyes dark, veins popping out, bloody, dirty, lord it's horrifying. He pins me down, and I'm trying to kick free. "Don't make my do this honey I love you" , he growls. He digs his nails into my wrists and hits my face then punches my ribs again. He does it repeatedly "George please stop please let me go...let me...MIN--" He covers my mouth quickly and pulls me up by my hair. He turns me around to face the Glade and Minho is standing there. "George, let her go..." "NO! SHE'S MINE!!"  George punches my face hard and I go numb. I feel blood running down me and everything hurts. He drops me and I see blurriness. I hear distant voices and then a scream. The last thing I see, George falling next to me.

"Newt, she's alright just please calm down." "MY GIRLFRIEND GOT ATTACKED!! SHE'S NEARLY DEAD" Hearing the phrase that I nearly died makes me open my eyes. I slowly get up as I cannot because everything hurts really, really bad. "Love no no no lie back down you need the rest." "Newt..." Jeff comes up next to me to check me. "Clint, analysis?" "Seems like 3 broken ribs, black eye, her wrist are swollen, some big bruises, her nose was bleeding but doesn't seem broken. Probably a month to heal completely." "A MONTH!" "Newt it's okay please calm down," I tell him. I hear Minho and Alby coming  in the hut. "You took quite a beating, little one." "Glad you're alive Mars." "Thanks boys." I sit up with Newt's help and Alby dismisses the Med-Jacks. "Where's George? Is he alright??" The boys look at each other then back at me. "He hurt you little one, so I had to do the right thing...." "You killed him??" "It was either Alby or me love." "No I don't care who did it or not, you KILLED him." "He was stung Mars it was the only way." "Stung?? What's that suppose to mean??" "Okay, you know about the creatures that live in the maze, right? The Grievers. The ones that come out at night. Shanks have got in and instantly been killed because of their curiosity. When we mean when someone gets stuck in the maze and 'No one has made it out alive' is that no one has been not stung by a Griever. They become these monsters and go through what we call The Changing. They get messed up in the head and theirs honestly no way to save them but to Banish them. We had to kill George immediately because he attacked you little one and not only is that one of our rules but he was Stung." I'm speechless at how horrifying the Grievers sound. How the Creators would have such terrible creatures living with us, making us monsters that are willing to kill. "We'll leave you two alone," Alby says. When they leave, I don't try to talk. I'm shaking, terrified. Newt notices and sits on the bed, wrapping his arm around me. He comforts me as tears run down my eyes. "This is all my fault..." "No it's not love how would you had stop him?" "I'm stronger than this, I could have fought back, instead my  guilt prevented me. That wasn't him, he loved me, why would he hurt me? They turned him into a monster."  I feel him shake his head and says, "If he really loved you, he wouldn't even have touched you."  I look up at him and say,"What if you go stung? Would you attacked me?"  He looks at me and says, "I wouldn't get stung in the first place because now that you're here, there's honestly no point in leaving."  I think about it and gently snuggle closer to him. " day when we do find a way out, you and I, we'll be alright."

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