Chapter 7

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As a month and a couple weeks passed by, my connection with Newt has grew stronger. We're always together, so close. My crush on him as gone to the point where my heart flutters whenever I hear his voice from across the Glade. And being a Runner has totally changed me. The Gladers are my family and I've never felt so happy with my closest friends. I don't care if I'm the only girl here, I love it. Except when I hear the distant Griever roars in the middle of the night. They terrify what are they? Where do they go during the day? Why are they so dangerous? But when I hear one and my body shakes of fear, I sneak off to the Hammocks to sleep next to Newt. We never talk about it in the morning but I know he knows I go in the middle of the night, especially when he brings me closer to him. Lately, I've been having these weird ass dreams. They're blurry and I can barely make note of them but some things are like deja vu, like I was there when it happened...there's always this man and a little girl. Once I thought I even saw the necklace I have...and the key...the key....sometimes, I wonder who has the key.

Alby had a meeting with the Keepers a month ago about the gym. Later this week we barely got the supplies. I guess the Creators finally realized how much of fatasses the Gladers are becoming. Alby and Minho requested punching bags, knives, mats, weights, you know stuff like that for a gym. A lot of the boys helped put things together and Newt and I started a schedule: a group in the morning, group in the afternoon (which is mostly the Keepers and a couple Gladers) and the last group right before the Doors close. Then Alby had a talk with the Gladers discussing what we'll be doing in the gym and officially called me Keeper of the Fighters which I found out later was Newt's idea. The first day will be next week 'cause I still gotta finish my Runner schedule. But one way or another, life here is great.


"There they are again, Gally. It's sickening. If I'm not there first, they'll take my place." I whisper to Gally. We stand outside the Hammocks watching George trying to flirt with Marty after she ran the Maze with Ben. He has tried giving her flowers, talking to her, making her laugh....bloody hell. "Again?" Gally looked to where I was facing. After examining the situation, he chuckled and shook my shoulder. "Well you gotta give him a break. She is the only girl, after all. And a pretty one at that." "Gally please don't tell me you're planning on hitting on her too," I glared. "No worries, shank," he laughs, "all yours but not anymore if George gets her first." "Oh no he won't...I'm getting her," I said and stormed off.


Newt was no where to be found during dinner and I had no choice but to stay stuck in between my Gladers. Newt usually ate beside me but when I went to our usual spot, Minho and Ben invited me over. My thoughts only kept wandering to Newt and why he wasn't around and I'd sneakily scan around the area to see if he was there but he wasn't. I knew I felt something for him but I never wanted to let him know, at least not right now. I left the Gladers to the rest of their dinner and made my way to the Hammocks to see if he was there. No one. Looking back at the noise and chatter, I realized I didn't want to be part of it if Newt wasn't there.

I quickly changed into the clothes I sleep in and laid on Newt's bed, random thoughts going through my head. Sleep began to numb my senses and soon enough, I dozed off into a slumber. "Marty," a soft murmur greeted my ears. I tossed to the other side. "Marty, wake up," the voice whispered again as I felt someone patting me. "Ugh," I groaned as I fluttered my eyes open. "Wake up." "Newt?" I blurted out a little too loudly. The blonde haired boy pressed a finger to my lips, shushing me as I looked around and realized that the other boys were already snoring in their hammocks. "What are you doing? Wha- it's late." "I know, I know. But I really need you to follow me," he whispered back with a cheeky smile. I stared back at his twinkling eyes with my own sleepy ones and contemplated whether or not I should oblige. That smile, those eyes, those lips...irresistible. He held out a hand for me to help myself out of his bed and with one shaky breath, I placed my hand on his. He led me out, dragging my hand along and beaming the entire time. "Newt, this is crazy. It's the middle of the night. What if we get caught? We're not suppose to be awake," I ranted, worried the consequence if we got caught sneaking around. Newt came to an abrupt stop and pulled me close to him as he put two fingers on my chin, lifting it up towards his lips. My eyes widened in anticipation and I froze, unsure of what he was gonna do. "Marty, you need to stop overthinking ," he chuckled. "Let me do this, alright? You trust me don't you?" "Yeah," I breathe out. "Then follow me," he stepped back and started walking forward again, my hand still in tow. He stopped to face the Viewing Tower and put one foot on the ladder and turned to look at me with a grin. I couldn't help but just fall whenever he smiled at me. I followed him up to the highest platform. He reached first and held a hand out to pull me up. "What did you take me up here for?" I asked as I sat myself on the edge, letting my feet hang and swing as Newt sat beside and did the same. "Because here I have you all to myself," he replied causally. "You what?" "I have you all to myself, there's no one else like those idiots to bother and interrupt." "Like who?" "Your not-so-secret admirer, George." "George...what? Newt, are you jealous?" "Well, yeah." "And why is that?" "I'm in love with you, a lot. I can't even explain it anymore," he confessed with a deep sigh as he twiddled his thumbs, unable to look at me. "And I'm done with everyone flirting with you, I'm done with having to hide it. I've been terrified, thinking that this was going to ruin our friendship but I don't want to those assholes to get you firs-" "Newt," I interrupt, intertwining my fingers with his. He turned to look at me with surprise all over his face. "Stop blabbering," I giggled. "I'm in love with you,too." "You are?" he beamed. I could only nod in response as heat blossomed my cheeks. "Well then, um....I hope you don't mind that I do this," he turned my face towards his and sparks fly as I close my eyes when his lips collide with mine.

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