The beginning

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|Troyes POV|. I scrolled through the Internet,going onto youtube. The home page of YouTube was full of famous youtubers but here I was a guy who made YouTube videos in his bedroom. I came across a YouTube account with a guy who seemed to get a lot of views his name was Tyler Oakley. I was immediately in love with his videos. I watched every video back to front, left multiple likes and comments hoping to get noticed by him. But weeks passed by and Tyler never replied to my comments just everyone else's. Maybe I had scared him from my obsession of watching his videos. That great smile which warmed up my computer as he was so adorable. Tyler would make videos every week and so would I hoping that someday I would be as good as him. I kept on watching Tyler as the weeks passed, my YouTube channel kept growing slowly, but all I could think of was Tyler. What was I feeling, why did Tyler make me feel so special?                                                            Ok that was the end of the first chapter. This is my first story ever and it probably won't be any good but at least I tried.

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