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(Tyler's POV)

I grabbed the handle of my suitcase, quickly pushing it to ground. Grabbing every piece of clothing that was anywhere near me and stuffing it in there. My hand quickly swinging around like a madman as i hurried to get everything ready. I grabbed the keys and the passport from my desk and ran downstairs to the door. Panic rushing through my mind as i think of everywhere that Troye could be. Horrible thoughts popping up every second. What if he had gone back to his boyfriend after everything that he had done. A bunch of thoughts clouding my mind as i tried to get past all of them. Why was i doing this? Why would i look for him if he didn't want me to? I guess it's because... no, it can't be. I can't trust myself with him. Multiple wild and new thoughts popping into my mind as i stopped. I HAD TO FIND HIM. No matter what I did to calm down, nothing would stop the image of Troye appearing back in my head. His soft, curly hair that was a beautiful shade of brown. His soft, pink tinted lips always with a smile. And all of that being taken away from me in a few seconds.

I rushed into the airport breathing heavily after leaving the taxi. My passport tightly held in my hand as i rushed towards the woman at the desk smiling at everybody walking past. I slammed my hands on the desk demanding for a ticket. i had to see him. I think i love him but i wasn't sure. I grabbed my ticket, slapping the money on the desk leaving the woman shocked. I rushed to the gate just before it closed and hopped on the plane. It was the only plane that was going to Australian for hours. I sat on the plane for hours just anticipating what i was going to do when i got there.

(after landing in Australia)

I ran to collect my luggage from the collection area and exited the airport. I hurriedly looked around to find a taxi to catch. I ran towards the taxi that was standing by itself with its taxi driver looking quite anxious. I peered through the window to see if he would let me in, and he just smiled at me. I quickly told him the address to Troye's home. I hopped out the car when i got to Troye's house an ran toward the front door. I held my hand out, ready to knock on the door but something stopped me. What if he didnt want me here? I stood there thinking about all the outcomes this could have when i felt a presence behind me. I slowly turned around to see a young man, with similar facial features to Troye. 

(Young Man): Hi, I'm Tyde. You must be Tyler, Troye told me a lot about you.

(Tyler): Oh hi Tyde, i guess you are...

(Tyde): Yeah, I'm his brother. Come in I'm sure he'll be happy to see you.

Well, would he?!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2018 ⏰

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