Late Night Runs

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Chapter 1

As soon as Barry's shift at the station had ended, he made his way to STAR Labs.

"Cisco, have you found out who our meta-human is?" Barry called out into the lab, throwing his jacket down onto a nearby chair in the cortex.

"Her name is Jamie Kingsley. There is countless missing person reports of her all over Canada." Cisco informed Barry, as he made his way into the room.

"What do you mean?" Barry asked, clearly confused.

"From what I found, she was last seen boarding a plane to here, Central City, and she never made her flight back home. The police reports said she has only contacted her family through an email basically stating that everything's fine and not to worry"

"When did she arrive in Central City?"

"Two days before the Particle Accelerator blew." Cisco informed Barry suddenly realizing what this all meant.

"So basically we have a scared meta-human who can't go back home and is out there on the streets of Central City because of us, STAR Labs?" Barry asked, running his hands through his hair and leaning back in his chair.

"Basically. But I did manage to get a hit on some security footage at a local gas station of her. Do you think you-" Cisco was cut off as Barry bolted out of the room, clad in his famous red suit.

"You don't even know where this gas station is!" Cisco shouted out in annoyance, waving his arms in the air.

"What's going on?" Caitlin said, entering the cortex.

"Barry is going after another meta-human." Cisco informed her.

"What trouble did they cause this time?" Caitlin said in a mocking tone.

"She didn't exactly cause any trouble but from what Barry said, they don't have control over their powers." Cisco stated.

"Oh it's a she, is it?" Caitlin said in a bemused tone. "So what exactly can she do?"

"She can control electricity." Cisco mumbled knowing Caitlin would be upset to find out their friend had gone after a powerful and unstable meta-human.

"Cisco give me that address." Barry shouted over the coms.

"No, Barry you need to get back to the lab. We don't know what she is capable of and she could electrocute you." Caitlin warned.

"Cisco?" Barry asked once more, ignoring his worried friend.

Cisco gave out the address and within seconds they could hear Barry begin to speak.

"Jamie Kingsley?" The Flash said, stepping out from the shadows of a nearby alley to meet the girl who was making her way across the road.

"How do you know my name?" She said, freezing in the middle of the street, turning to face the man clad in the red suit.

"I think you may have heard of me. I am The Flash and I think I can help you." Barry said, slowly stepping towards her, trying his best not to scare her off.

Jamie's stance was stiff and she held her head high, an unreadable expression on her face. "I don't need your help." She spat before turning her back to the speedster and continued making her way towards her car parked just a block away.

"Listen." Barry called out, racing out to stand in front of her, catching her off guard. "What happened to you, happened to me."

"Last time I checked, I didn't have super speed." She stated in a monotone voice before she started to back away slowly, Barry meeting her every step backward with a step forward.

"I can help you." Barry said. "I know you may seem scared and you just want to run and hide from the world but you don't need to. We can help-" He was cut off.

"I am going to ask for the last time, please just leave me alone." She said as she pushed past the speedster and continued her way.

The Flash sped to stand in front of her once more, catching her off guard once again. Barry noticed her hands had started sparking and her shoulders tensed.

"Please just let us help you. I don't want to see you hurt yourself or someone else." He tried to calm her down, looking her in the eye.

"Like I said not interested." She bit back bitterly, still trying to get away from the man in the red suit. "Now please, leave me alone."

"Listen-" The Flash said reaching forward to put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

The meta-human dropped her grocery bags onto the ground before shooting her hands up, causing a torrent of electricity to burst out her hands which consumed the Flash, electrocuting him.

Barry yelled out in pain causing Cisco and Caitlin to all start shouting at him through his ear piece which shortly fried out along with the rest of the tech in the suit.

Barry doubled over in pain, crashing to the ground, his vision blurry. He could just make out the shape of the girl bolting down the street, her coat blowing in the still night air.

With that everything began to fade to black for the Flash and he just crumpled into a ball in the alley, the only thought running through his mind being, "You need us."


When Barry came to he was clad in his crimson suit still, but his mask had been removed.

He squinted against the all too familiar harsh lights of STAR Labs, bringing his arm up to shield his eyes only to earn a groan of pain as his limbs screamed in agony.

"Oh good, you're awake." Caitlin cheered rushing up to check on her friend, she began unhooking all the vital monitors and such as Barry stretched out his aching limbs.

"Told you she was going to shock you." Caitlin teased before leaving the room to let Barry change.

"You're up!" Cisco shouted causing Barry to wince. "How are you feeling, man? Cause you totally fried the suit."

"I'm sorry about the suit, Cisco. Now, what happened to me exactly?" Barry groaned, pulling on a sweatshirt.

"Black Out zapped you." Cisco slipped in the name he had come up with for the meta-human, looking up to see if Barry noticed.

"Black Out?" Barry questioned, furrowing his brows.

"Yes, because Sparky sounds like something you would name a dog and Shock is lame." Cisco reasoned.

"Alright then. When do you think the suit will be fixed by?" Barry questioned making his way to the monitor Cisco was now seated at.

"Give me till tomorrow. If you want to help out you can watch the monitors. Caitlin and I have already figured out Black Outs schedule and are tracking her every movement." Cisco cheered, pointing to a monitor full of security camera footage, all trained on the blonde girl from the night before. "I am going to see if I can figure out how to ground your suit so it doesn't fry next time."

"How long was I out?" Barry asked, running a hand through his hair.

"I would say we picked you up around eight last night, and considering it's currently ten in the morning, you've been out for over 12 hours." Cisco informed his friend.

"Thanks guys, really." Barry thanked his friends as they quickly busied themselves with repairing the suit and tending to the lab.

"I just need to make a quick call to our favorite archer. We're going to need some help." He muttered under his breath.

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