You Kidnapped Me

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Chapter 3

After what felt like a restless night, Barry began to stir. He stretched himself out, arching his back from the cool glass of the cell door, only to be immediately drawn out of his thoughts by a voice.

"Took you long enough, sleeping beauty." Jamie mumbled, leaning her head back against the cell wall, as she stared directly ahead at the adjacent wall to avoid eye contact with the speedster.

"Are you alright?" Barry asked before craning his head around to look at her, but not before he checked to make sure his mask was still secure.

"Why would you care? I mean you did drug me and throw me in a cell." She hissed back, crossing her arms over her chest.

Barry took note that her right leg was splayed out on the floor and her other pulled up to her chest, as well as she was avoiding any movement at all and she was clutching her ribs.

"We have a doctor who can help you." Barry suggested, leaning against the glass with his shoulder as he tried to rub the sleep out of his eyes.

"Again, why should I trust you?" She pointed out, finally looking up to meet Barry's gaze.

"Because we don't mean to harm you. We want to help you." Barry tried to reason.

"What's in it for you?" Jamie asked sharply, sending a glare to Barry. "Cause I know very well that legally you have no right to hold me in here and people will notice I am missing."

"No they won't. We know you've been on the run ever since the night the particle accelerator blew." Barry cut in.

"So you have been stalking me now? Great." She mumbled in sarcasm, returning her gaze to fix on the cell wall.

"Tell me one thing, Flash. Why the hell am I here?" She hissed in annoyance.

"You want the truth? We don't want to have a confused meta-human running around Central City, electrocuting people." He admitted, catching her glare momentarily.

With that she grew silent and ignored any further questions from Barry, causing him to exit the corridor.

"Cisco, can you get yourself and Caitlin to STAR Labs immediately. She woke up but she's not willing to cooperate." Barry informed the pair as he removed his mask and made his way to the cortex.

"And you are surprised Barry?" Cisco said in a sarcastic tone before chuckling.

"What do you mean?" Barry replied, clearly unaware of the situation at hand before he remembered Oliver's warning the night before.

"Think of it from her perspective. A man in a red super hero costume shows up with his archer buddy and they try to drug you. They are successful and they kidnap you and throw you away in a cell." Cisco reminded him.

"We need to find out some way to measure her energy levels, because I saw her hands sparking before we put her in the cell." Barry pointed out.

"Already done. When you first mentioned that she could control electricity I came up with something like a speed gun except it's a power gun." Cisco cheered, completely overexcited that he would get to use his new gadget.

"Alright see you in a bit Cisco." Barry ended the call before he looked down at his mask laying on the desk in front of him.

He picked it up in both hands and began pacing in the cortex contemplating the team's next move.

Clearly Jamie had no intentions of cooperating with them, and they couldn't remove her from her cell because she would use her powers to make a run for it.

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