You Broke Her

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Im so sorry this took forever to write. I didn't have time to proof read so if you notice an error don't hesitate to let me know. But hey this series is finally back c:


Chapter 5

As soon as Jay calmed down enough that he could stop shaking, he pushed himself up from Jamie's bedside and slowly made his way back towards Barry, who stood with his arms crossed.

"She is too strong to be tamed." Jay warned before throwing himself onto the empty bed, offering his arm out for Caitlin to draw blood.

Cisco continued to tinker with his device, periodically banging it against his hand before groaning and mumbling to himself.

"What's going on Cisco?" Barry asked, after checking to make sure Caitlin felt safe near the stranger.

"It doesn't make any sense. I got a reading originally when you first brought her up here, and since then her energy levels have nearly tripled in strength." Cisco explained, his eyes fixated on the device, completely unaware of the small flickers of electricity that moved between her fingers.

Barry however noticed the faint glimmer of light between her fingers and slowly made his way towards Black Out, studying her now peaceful form. He let out a fake cough when another surge of electricity flickered between her pale fingers as Cisco had failed to notice again.

"Cisco!" Barry coughed one more time, finally catching the technician's attention.

"What? No need to shout man we're all right here." He grumbled, setting down the device.

"Did you see that?" Barry pressed, pointing to her hands.

"See what-" Cisco was cut off as his eyes darted to the electricity dancing in the girls hands. "Oh no. That's not a good sign. Caitlin we have a problem."

Caitlin's head twisted towards the pair hovering over Jamie and she quickly looked back at Jay, "Don't move."

"I'll watch him." Barry offered speeding to Jay's side in the blink of an eye as Caitlin scurried over to join Cisco.

"Her hands keep sparking. That shouldn't be happening." Cisco informed.

"Yeah that definitely shouldn't be happening. What are her energy readings?" Caitlin shouted out in alarm as she started to realize what was about to happen.

"Like I just told Barry, they tripled in strength since we first brought her upstairs." Cisco nonchalantly informed his friend before he froze in place, also realizing what Caitlin was thinking.

"She's trying to shock herself awake." Caitlin whispered to herself, dumbfounded.

"What?" Cisco asked. "Speak up."

"Everybody get back!" Caitlin screamed in alarm as she watched the electricity spread up Black Out's arms, crackling loudly.

Cisco and Caitlin had just enough time to dive across the floor but Barry had the complete opposite intention in mind as he went speeding towards the girl on the bed.

Just as Barry became in arms reach of the girl, there was a loud crack and a blinding flash of light as a wave of energy surged out like a wave in the room, frying all the technology as well as sending Barry flying across the room.

The power to the building gave way with the recent surged and soon STAR Labs was consumed in complete darkness.

Caitlin and Cisco were sprawled out across the ground, their hands over their ears and they remained unmoving as they were blinded from the shock wave.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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