Another Annoying A/N

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Hey guys, its meeeeee :D

At this point with my A/Ns I bet you're all like, "who gives a f**k?!" but actually I just wanted to say thanks...

For the comments & votes on my story! I feel IMPORTANT :'D Thanks sooo much

And I will also say that I get constant emails whenever someone posts a comment, and though I don't usually reply, I have read them all! And my heart warms up at all the people who thank me for writing "Suicide", saying that I had changed lives...I never thought that I'd make the slightest difference!

So thanks for all your lovely comments! It makes me feel great that I have so many readers, and that I touched the hearts of them all... <3


P.S: I have gotten so much "I'm crying right now" or "I burst into tears" comments that I think our basement's flooded again...

But seriously at times I FELT LIKE CRYING while writing this book...there is just SOOO many horrible scenes!! Especially the bullying thing, since I was bullied all through school 2 years ago.

Soo as I told you, I have a friend in real name Sean. Well, he read this and then he asked me, "Dang, do you wanna talk?!" LOL he thought I was suicidal! After that I literally went through all of my chapters again and realized how depressed I sounded!!!

Oh, and that reminds me, sorry for all the errors in my chapters, like spelling and grammar! But, sometimes the damn autocorrect on my phone was the cause, so THAT couldn't be helped, I guess.

Anyways yeah bye for REAL now :)

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