Aftermath: Part 4

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Part 4: Mom

I woke up, the next morning, stretching and standing up from my empty bed. Thanks to my whore daughter, I'd never even touched another man since Paul, in fears that she'd seduce him into that bedroom of hers. Remembering my anger, I straightened my nightdress and slipped on my cozy moccasins.

I almost didn't see the note on the table. Raising my dark brow suspiciously, I snatched it up and read the first few lines:

Dear Mom,

I know you think that I don't deserve your forgiveness. And I don't blame you for closing this letter and tossing it aside. But just hear me out.

I snorted, and crumpled the note, before throwing it to the floor. I stormed to the kitchen and started making breakfast.

I had just finished preparing the eggs and toast when I heard my son scream, "NO!!!" from upstairs. I dropped my plate, and hustled to the source of the noise.

I walked slower as I realized that I was headed in the direction of Danielle's bedroom. I almost turned back, but something inside of me said to keep going.

I peeked in the doorway, and my jaw dropped.

There, on her bed, laid Danielle, and Nick was holding her and rocking, whispering something illegible into her hair. I just stood there, for about a minute, until he noticed me.

I smirked. "Let me guess: blood loss from cutting herself?"

Nick narrowed his eyes and said, "You...are the worst mother ever."

I blinked for a moment, then snapped back, "Umm, I couldn't hear you, young man? Do you want to say that to my face a bit louder? Hmm?" That would make him shut up; always had.

He muttered a word under his breath, before grabbing an empty bottle of pills and shoving them in my face. "IS THIS ENOUGH FOR YOU?! IS THIS ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU'VE DONE?!"

In confusion, I stared at the pill bottle, then my eyes darted across to my sleeping daughter.

Only then did I realize why he was crying over her. Only then did I notice that her chest didn't move up and down to indicate her breathing.

My eyes widened. "No-!"

"Oh, yes," Nick sneered, throwing the bottle of pills at my feet. "You should have listened..."

Something in my head clicked and I automatically tuned out his words. My anger was gone. With a single year falling from my eye, I threw myself onto the floor, and barely managed to say, "I-I'm so, so sorry!"

I didn't notice my son leave, because I was to busy thinking about what he had said. ' should have listened...'

I thought back to all the times that Danielle had begged for me to help her: When Paul slept with her, when bullies tormented her, and all the other things she tried to tell me. Sniffling a bit, I remembered the things she'd told me only a night before.

"Mommy," echoed her voice in my head. "I love you, and I know you can hear me, even though you pretend you can't."

With that last sentence repeating in my mind like some sick cycle, I ran to my bedroom and straightened out the crumpled note. I read from where I'd last left off:

...yeah, I knew you'd come back and read this, ya know, after you saw my dead body.

Chills went down my spine. How she had predicted that I would throw it down, I'd probably never know. I continued.

Anyways, Mom, I haven't killed myself only because of you, but your pretty much the main problem. I grew tired of waiting for you to stop hating me over something as ridiculous as rape. I just want you to know that I didn't sleep with him, not for anything. I never would, and I think that deep in your heart, you knew that all those years ago. I think you're just guilty about letting him do that to me, so you decided to never face me and apologize.

I swallowed a knot in my throat. Oh, God. I felt tears flow down my cheeks.

Mom, I'll always love you, even though you probably never will again. I wanted you to know that because I could never speak to you, because you were never someone I could turn to, that I always had to go to my brother. Why do you think he began smoking, drinking and doing drugs? It was because he had so much on his mind that he couldn't handle it.
I love you, Danielle.

P.S: at my funeral, if you even want to organize it, make sure to invite our entire family, Nick included and the following people: Lucy, Ashley, and Sean. You remember Sean, right? Yeah. Anyways, ask them to read their notes at my funeral. And you and Nick should read yours, too.

I heard sirens outside of my house and then rapid knocking on my door. Soon, paramedics were running all through my house. In what seemed like two seconds, I was crowded and people kept asking questions. I just sobbed out, "The...the notes...check the notes..."

Then I passed out into one man's arms.


Ooh, really sad, right?

& yes I I'm sorry, I did take a bit longer then expected, but I kept having to run back & forth between Part 1 & Part 2 so that I could get the dialogue correct.

I'll be sure to update the last part really, really soon!!!!


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