Lady Lavine

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I sat on my kelp bed listening to the continuos wheezing if Deborah my octopus room mate. I stared through the opening of my new cave home. I grabbed a sea weed bag hanging of a rock and strapped it to my back. Flapping my white tail I swam out of the cave and looked around.
A White light shown out of the corner of my eye. I quickly turned to miss it, i went to the spot I saw it. It flashed again. I chased it for some time and then. I stood there looking at a large rock. It was covered in wavy lines and was flawless and crackless.
The rock shuddered and I stepped back scared for what is going on.
The middle cracked and it wasn't a rock but a ginormous oyster. The lady inside... Oh yeah how I know there is someone inside is that there are no 100% animals here, just Splitians. The oyster lady revealed her shell curling into an elegant dress.
"I've been waited a long time Melony Grace." She said in a deep voice "I've foreseen that your freedom and the freedom of others are in your hands."
"Who are you" I said in a shakes voice
"For you I have many names but call me Lady Lavine"
Suddenly a rope flew up from behind a rock tangling itself around Lady Lavine's neck
"Bring her down" a familiar voice crowed, several more flew from seperate places around the stony meadow. Lady Lavine fell down and curled herself inside her shell ropes and all.
"No!" I screamed for this new woman, but a twig cage fell on top of me and sealing below.
"I didn't want to do this so soon." Said the voice creeping on me. "But looks like your joining the collection sooner than I planned." She said stepping out from the shadows
"And it looks like I'm going to need a new roommate" smirked Deborah.

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