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Air was rushing past me the ground was growing, My screams were joined by those of Hope's and Petey's. Impact was only a few moments away.
I reached for my necklace flapping from the fall.
Sorry I thought I never got to see you again.
If only I can fly like Eros... BOOM!!!
My fall stopped but I hadn't reach ground yet. I looked down to see what I landed on...nothing. A tug on my arm made me look up, I had wings!
A thump on the back woke me from ah.
"Since when did you have wings!" He squealed.
Hope fell right past us, I dove through the air and reached with talons gripping Hope like a toy.
I flapped my wings as hard as I could barely slowing down the fall. Eros was right behind me carrying Samantha, and Pabo.
We hit the ground and rolled across the uneven ground.
One by one we got up and brushed off the dust.
"How did you do that?!?!" Eros said examining my new wings.
"I don't know!" I said equally confused, "I was thinking about how helpful it would be being a bird and then it happened"
"Think about me with my legs." Hope said stalking towards me.
I closed my eyes and concentration, but nothing happened.
"Let's move!!" Petey said already running, "They won't quit just because we are far away."   He looked forward and moved even faster. We all ran, except Eros and me, we found it faster to fly.
We flew or ran all day, we stopped by a group of big oak trees, "Lets set up camp here," Petey said looking around at the campsite, "it is almost night fall."
Me and Hope went out looking for some big leaves to wrap ourselves in.
We had ourselves a big stack and hope carried it around on her back. The sun set and I looked at it in awe it was so big, I just stared at it for a few moments then turned to join Hope back.
"Good your back." Hope said looking at me.
"What do you mean? I was here all the time" I said looked down to prove my point. I fell back, my wings were gone along with my talons, all that was left was my tail.
"What!" I said confused.
"Come on." Hope said and started to walk away, I tried to follow, but tails are pretty useless on land. Hope looked back and saw my struggle, she turned around and leaned her back towards me.
"Hop on." She said offering help. I pulled myself on top if the leaves and she got up and sprinted over the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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