Excape Plan

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I woke to tapping on the glass. I looked and saw Hope pointing up at Petey's cage. I looked up to see that the top of my cage was removed.
"Come on!" Petey squealed as he went to work on Hope's cage.
"How did you..." I began
"I haven't eaten in the last two day preparing to squeeze between the bars."
Hope leaped out of the cage and curled up to rowr.
"NO!!" Petey grabbed at hopes pants, "Don't spoil this by getting us all caught!"
Three figures turned to corner
"Watch out" I said ready to run
"Wait" Petey said waving his hands, "They are with us."
I stopped and looked at the newcomers
"This is Samantha, Eros, and Pabo" he said gesturing to each one as he spoke.
Samantha was a natural beautiful with dark skin and had kind eyes, it speared to have bonded with a black elephant of some kind and displayed it with a long trunk.
Eros was also beautiful in his own way, his bonder was some kind of black bird and showed off a crest on his forehead.
Pabo had black hair with a white stripe down the middle he got sharp teeth and a puffy tail matching his hair.
Petey waved his hands, becoming us
They crept out of the room. Pabo and Hope dragging me along like a sack of potatoes.
Something along the way didn't go like they planned and soon a King Cobra was chasing us down the hall hissing and displaying his stretched as he ran errr... slithered.
I saw a light in the wall and we charged for it.
The light consumed us and found ourselves on a ledge we turned around seeing the reptilian man creep closer and closer.
"Eros is there anything you can do?" Samantha asked
"I can only carry two at most," replied Eros "but not everyone."
The man whipped his tail, threatening us. Hope and Pabo dropped me on the ground ready to fight.
"No one can escape the mighty zookeeper Simone!"
The weight of my tail pulled me over the ledge and I started falling.
Hope jumped for me barely catching me but she was slowly going down too. Samantha grabbed her ankles with her trunk and kept her anchored while Pabo fought off Simone. Petey came to try and help but he didn't do much. I looked down giving a small squeak. Samantha jumped with her elephant half reacting to the mouse like response. Me, Hope, and Petey fell
Down to the forest floor.

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