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Not even Tyler could control Mitch's attacks as the week passed by..

Tyler sighed as he made Mitch swallow a sleeping pill.


"Yes Tyler Oakley?"

"Call Lottie."

"Calling Lottie Austin"


"Lottie! It's me Tyler... Um Mitch's new friend? From Mirage public school..."

"Yeah I know who you are... Is there something wrong?"

"He has been getting attacks and screaming Scotts name at the top of his lungs... Please... Help..."

Tyler made a dramatic gasp and soon he was filling the room with his catchy laugher

"*sigh* I'm coming over..."


Lottie grabbed her keys and passed the speed limit, honking and screaming she got to the lawn of that assholes house


After all those screams Scott ran down the stairs and slammed his door open.

"Lottie what the fuck! it's 4 in the afternoon!"

"I could give less of a shit because coincidence! you just broke up with Justin and I get a call from Mitch's new friend Tyler saying he is having panic attacks screaming your name on top of his lungs"

Scotts eyes widened "I didn't love Justin... It was a dare.."

"Oh so now you are a fuckboy?"

Scott looked form Lottie's gray angered eyes to his shoes.

"Get into the fucking car Hoying"


Lottie grabbed Scott from the collar of his shirt and locked him in the car.

"Did you even lock my house Lottie?!"

Lottie nodded and started the car "I don't care if you don't love Mitchie anymore I'm going to drive for 4 fucking hours so you can apologize"

"I still love him and I can't believe that he moved four hours because of me!"

Lottie let out a scoff "Bitch"

Hour two

"Lottie I really need to pee!"

"Ugh, can't you wait?"

"I have been waiting for more than an hour"

Lottie sighed and parked next to the highway "hurry up! We still have 2 hours to go"

Scott sighed and got inside the car "I can't believe he is not over me... I mean I wanted to try new things!"

Lottie rolled her eyes and stuffed a piece of her hair under her ear.

"Scott you are gay! Why the fuck would you think dating a girl was going to be new!"

"I don't know I mean... I still love Mitch... A lot but I just wanted to get rid of him"

Lottie's eyes widened "What the Fuck did you just say?"

Scott looked at Lottie angered eyes "I wanted to get rid of him for a while"

Lottie raised her hand and slapped Scott on the face... Hard..

"I can't fucking believe you Hoying.. After all he did for you! Maybe I'm new here but he told me EVERYTHING! EVERY SINGLE THING! You were his first kiss! He didn't keep a damn secret from you! AND HE GAVE YOU HIS VIRGINITY! Every boyfriend or girlfriend does that... Apart from giving their Virgin card away... We all tell each other everything.. And if you can't deal with the idea of whoever you date is going to tell you about their day,. Their feelings and everything about them... Then you are not ready to date someone Scott"

Scott sighed "I messed up didn't i?"

Lottie let out a sarcastic laugh "You barely noticed?"

Hour 4

"It's here..." Said Lottie parking down the street and looking up at all the trees who's leaves were red and orange... All the street was covered in leaves and it smelled like nature.

"I see why Mitch likes it here" said Scott raising his arms


"Because it's full of nature"

"Now lets go inside and fix the mess you did..."

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