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We walked to school, I noticed Kirstie was talking with a medium sized guy, and an African American.

Jeremy was by her side looking at us and he waved. I walked up to him, my fingers interlocked with Mitch's.

Yesterday after we made love, he went in the shower and started to sing, I Hadn't noticed he had an amazing singing voice.

He hadn't hear my singing voice or Kirstie's, but he was way better. We 3 just needed some practice to make ourselves better.

After he fell asleep I went in Google, I typed in Singing and the first thing that came on was The Sing Off?

I read a little about it, there was The Sing Off who was an a Capella contest, I looked up Capella and noticed there was always a beatboxer, a girl that could sing and a boy that could sing low.

And now that I was hearing the brunette medium guy I noticed he had a really really low voice.

"What's your name?" I asked looking into his green eyes. "Avriel, but you can call me Avi"

I nodded and noticed Mitch was talking and laughing with Jeremy.

Okay so, if I make myself a  really good friend  of Avi, so we I have Kirstie being a girl she was a feminine high voice and she sings pretty well, I looked up what girls can be and I would say she is a Soprano.

By the way I made a lot of research on singing last night, my own made me chuckle a little bit.

Mitch, he is a boy with a veryyyy feminine high voice which makes my knees quiver, and he is a Tenor?

And me I have a normal voice which would be a Baritone?

I took my phone out and researched voices again,

Avi would be a bass with his low voice.

Now I just need a beatboxer. I looked at the African American guy and asked him his name.

He said he's name was Kevin, he and Avi had been noticing Mitch's and i's relationship and they thought it was really cute.

I brought Kevin to the side and we started talking and he said that he indeed knew got to beatbox and he played the cello.

"Oh my god are you serious?!" I asked grinning widely.

He nodded and I Immediately pulled Avi, Kirstie and Mitch to the side.

"I'm sorry Jeremy I'll just borrow him for a minute"

"I know it's way to early but Let's go to the Sing off!!!" I exclaimed.

Kirstie's eyes bulged and she slapped me straight in the face "Uh Scotty are you alright?" She turned to Mitch who was dying of laughter as he rubbed my red cheek.

"Did you two have sex this morning ?" Mitch shook his head still laughing.

"Scott is this Sex Withdrawal? I mean since when do you come up with these crazy ideas? I know You and I can sing but.."

"Mitch can sign too! He can sign feminine too. You are a Soprano, Mitch is a Tenor, Avi is a bass, Kevin would be our beatboxer and I am a Baritone"

Avi and Kevin looked at each other with wide smirks.

"Let's hang in my house to sing together? Or practice?" Said Mitch wiping his eyes.

"Your house?" I said biting his neck slightly.

He pushed me away "We have to keep it PG in public Scotty. And Fine Our house"


After all of our classes and Lottie getting to school at 12, her slaps and punches making my day better.

We ran to the car and got there 20 minutes earlier than everyone.

Just as we entered the house I slammed Mitch at the door and kissed him making him shudder.


We laid there, our hearts beating fast and our breaths ragged, "Let's get ready, they could be here any moment"

We both got ready with comfortable clothes and just as we got in the kitchen, the doorbell sounded.

I went to open the door and The three of them were there.

I let them in and we all sat down on the living room.

"Okay so, Kevin you know how to beatbox, Avi you have a really low voice, Kirstie and Mitch you have really high voices, and I have a baritone range"

Kirstie nodded "Can I just ask.. how the fuck do you know all of that?"

"I stayed up all night searching, I heard Mitch singing, and you and I can sing too, so there was a trio but I looked up singing and The Sing Off came on as first result, it had A Capella attached to it, so I researched A Capella and I noticed everything we needed was 2 more voices"

After we practiced, we started clapping and screaming "We sound so good!!" Said Kevin hugging all of us.

"We need to keep practicing until we go to the Sing off" said Avi nodding.

"We have 2 weeks guys" I said looking through The Sing Off page

"We can do it.!" Said Mitch high-fiving everyone.

We all sat down as Kirstie and Mitch brought warm water to us.

"So... We have to drive to where the sing off is located. We have to book rooms? Or are they going to give us the money to book rooms?"

I shrugged "I don't know but that's the least we should care about right now" I said leaning into Mitch who was now sitting down in my lap.

Kirstie opened the door to reveal Jeremy, they both sat down on the floor "What is what we should be worrying about right now?" Said Kirstie and Avi at the same time.

"What is going to be our group name?" Said Kevin.

"How about 5S?" Said Kirstie

"Why 5s?"

"Because 5Singers" she Burts out laughing making Mitch and me laugh too.

"No really guys, what would we be named?" Said Kevin slapping his knee laughing.

I looked up from my phone and said,



Hi guyssss! Sorry I took looong to update so I'll make this quick.

1. HSC is almost 4K reads!! thank you all so much.

2. Should I make a sequel to HSC? I mean it's going pretty well.. And I may or may not have the idea of the book already? Soooo yeah

Ig: mariejunegrassihoying
Sc: mariejunep

And for those who haven't added me in my social media, would you like to see a picture of me in the next chapter?

Love you all!

*Blows Kiss* Goodbyeeee 🙌🏻😘

High school CrushDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora