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Obstetrician Appointment.

We both entered the room that was assigned for Mitch.

He sat down on the green chair, I sat down next to him and interlocked our hands.

A woman entered the room, she was tall, she had ginger hair in a high ponytail.

She smiled at us and sat down in front of Mitch.

"Okay, so.. When was the last time y'all had sex?" She said grabbing a notepad.

"A week ago" responded Mitch rubbing his thumb over my hand.

She scribbled something down and looked up to see him.

"So yesterday you had Nausea.. Anything else?"

Mitch looked at me and looked back at her "I felt very dizzy, and I didn't want to eat"

"Vertigo and lost of appetite" she whispered as she scribbled "I need you to go to the bathroom and pee in this little cup"

She handed him a cup, he made his way into the bathroom and locked himself in there.

She looked at me and furrowed her ginger eyebrows "How can this be possible?" I said looking at her as my lips trembled.

She sighed "Anything is possible Mr.Hoying... But what worries me is that he is 16... The hospital would have to make him a C-Section, him being this young is, well, very risky"

My breathing hitched... "Am
I going to loose him?"

She shook her head and shushed me as Mitch walked back in the room with the cup filled.

"I'll call you two later, I'm taking this to the laboratory and I'll give you the results"

We both nodded and left.


It was 3 in the afternoon and Dr. Rae hadn't called us back.

I felt my phone buzz and I looked at it.. Dr.Rae

Just in time Woman!

I slid my finger and saw Mitch look at me with his hands over his mouth.


"Yes, is this Mr.Hoying? Or Mr.Grassi?"

"Yes this is us." I put her on speaker and Mitch almost ran to sit next to me.

"I have Mitch's results, and well it's positive... Mitch is pregnant! Congrats to you two!"

Happy tears rolled down Mitch and he kissed me like if his life depended on it.

"Thank you Dr.Rae!" I said and hung up.

"Now what?" Said Mitch looking at me with his big brown eyes.

"What do you mean by Now what? Babe we have to think about this... I think we should call the group."

Mitch looked at me and gulped "Scott... Shouldn't we wait? I haven't got a baby bump, they won't notice for a while.."

I sighed and Ruffled his hair "Do you want to call lottie?"

He shook his head making me furrow my eyebrows "Why not?"

"I want to sleep, I'll call her later"

2 months later

"Mitch... Wake up babe..." I said as I kissed his neck.

I heard him grunt and he grabbed me by my collar.

"I'm awake baby"

I smiled and pulled up his shirt.. The bump was a visible by now, I caressed it and gave it open mouth kisses, I heard Mitch giggle.

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